Multiline TextBlock Text


As you have seen, TextBlock supports multiline text, either by setting TextWrapping to Wrap or by using LineBreak instances within the content.

Two properties, LineHeight and LineStackingStrategy, affect how multiline text is displayed. LineHeight determines the height of every line of text in the TextBlock. If LineHeight is set to a smaller value than the FontSize property, it may cause text to be vertically cropped. Typically, you leave LineHeight unset and rely on the default text rendering, which calculates the line height using FontSize plus an internal padding value.

The TextBlock class’s LineStackingStrategy property determines the algorithm that is used to calculate line height. The LineStackingStrategy is an enum value, which can be either MaxHeight or BlockLineHeight. MaxHeight, the default strategy, calculates line height using the maximum height of any character in the font, whereas BlockLineHeight calculates the line height using the block font design measure stored as a value in the font.


If the BlockLineHeight strategy is used, line height is calculated using the default font for the TextBlock and the font size of any Run elements is ignored, which can cause text to be squashed together.

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