Mouse Event Promotion


With the advent of Windows Phone, Silverlight transitioned from being a browser and desktop-only technology with a primarily mouse-driven UI, to a mobile device technology with a touch-driven UI.

To allow controls that were originally designed to work with mouse events to continue to function, the touch system was engineered so that touch events are automatically turned into (promoted to) mouse events. If a touch event is not suspended using the SuspendMousePromotionUntilTouchUp method, then mouse events are automatically raised.


Promotion of a TouchPoint to a mouse event occurs only with the primary touch point.

To prevent a touch event from being promoted to a mouse event, call the SuspendMousePromotionUntilTouchUp within the FrameReported event handler, like so:

void HandleFrameReported(object sender, TouchFrameEventArgs e)
    TouchPoint primaryTouchPoint = e.GetPrimaryTouchPoint(null);
    if (primaryTouchPoint != null
        && primaryTouchPoint.Action == TouchAction.Down)
        /* custom code */


The SuspendMousePromotionUntilTouchUp method can be called only when the TouchPoint.Action property is equal to TouchAction.Down, or else an InvalidOperationException is raised.

In most cases, calling SuspendMousePromotionUntilTouchUp is something you should avoid, because doing so prevents the functioning of any controls that rely solely on mouse events and those that have not been built using the touch-specific API.

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