Converting a Stored Contact to and from a vCard


vCard is a standard file format used for electronic business cards. The stored contact API allows you to convert a StoredContact to and from a vCard.

The ContactInformation class contains a ParseVcardAsnc method, which asynchronously converts an IInputStream of vCard data and then returns a populated ContactInformation object, as demonstrated by the following example:

ContactStore store = await ContactStore.CreateOrOpenAsync();
ContactInformation contactInformation
    = await ContactInformation.ParseVcardAsync(inputStream);
StoredContact contact = new StoredContact(store, contactInformation);

Conversely, a StoredContact object is converted to an IInputStream of vCard data using the StoredContract class’s ToVcardAsync method, as shown:

ContactStore store = await ContactStore.CreateOrOpenAsync();
StoredContact contact = await store.FindContactByIdAsync(id);
IRandomAccessStream vcardStream = await contact.ToVcardAsync();

Being able to convert to and from the vCard format allows you to import and export contact information to and from other applications such as Microsoft Outlook.

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