

This chapter began by looking at mouse events. Mouse events are an easy way to get basic touch support and allow you to detect simple, one-finger gestures such as tap and double tap.

The chapter examined the TouchPoint class and illustrated how it provides a low-level input system that you can use to respond to all touch activity in the UI.

The UIElement manipulation events also were discussed. Manipulation events are used to handle more complex gestures, such as multitouch gestures and gestures that use inertia and velocity data.

The chapter explored the gestures support for XAML-based apps in the Windows Phone SDK and the Windows Phone Toolkit, and you saw how they further consolidate the low-level touch API into a set of gesture-specific events and make it easy to handle complex single and multitouch gestures.

Finally, the chapter looked at the best practices for optimizing your user interfaces for touch input.

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