

Using the AddTable method allows you to create a new table for an entity class. On adding a new table, the DatabaseSchemaUpdater also applies the metadata associated with the entity class and creates any related indexes or foreign key constraints.

To add a new entity to the Twitter data model, we first create that entity and decorate it with Table and Column attributes. In the following example, the TwitterFriend class represents a Twitter user, who happens to be a contact of another Twitter user (see Listing 29.10). TwitterFriend contains an Id and a ScreenName property. In addition, an index is declared for the ScreenName property.

LISTING 29.10. TwitterFriend Class

[Index(Columns = "ScreenName")]
public class TwitterFriend : NotifyPropertyChangeBase
    string id;

    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true)]
    public string Id
            return id;
            Assign(ref id, value);

    string screenName;

    public string ScreenName
            return screenName;
            Assign(ref screenName, value);

The following code is used to upgrade the schema to include a new table for storing TwitterFriend data:

using (DataContext dataContext
            = new TwitterDataContext("isostore:Twitter.sdf"))
    DatabaseSchemaUpdater updater
                = dataContext.CreateDatabaseSchemaUpdater();

It can be seen from Figure 29.10 that after execution, the Twitter database contains the new table, with a secondary index on the ScreenName column, as desired.


FIGURE 29.10 The TwitterFriend table has been added to the schema.

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