GeoLocationViewModel Class


The GeoLocationViewModel.Start method instantiates either the GeolocatorProxy or a MockGeoLocator depending on the value of the viewmodel’s Boolean useMockLocator field (see Listing 17.6).


Rather than requiring the viewmodel to determine which IGeoLocator implementation it should use, Inversion of Control (IoC) could be employed to resolve the object. IoC is discussed in Chapter 24, “Unit Testing Apps.”

The Start method subscribes to the PositionChanged and StatusChanged events of the IGeoLocator, and then calls the IGeoLocator object’s Start method to begin receiving location notifications.

When the PositionChanged event is raised, the viewmodel’s GeoCoordinate property is set to the current location.

LISTING 17.6. GeoLocationViewModel.Start Method (excerpt)

void Start()
    if (running)

    Running = true;
    CanStart = false;

    if (useMockLocator)
        geoLocator = new MockGeoLocator();
        geoLocator = new GeolocatorProxy
                MovementThreshold = 20,
                DesiredAccuracy = PositionAccuracy.High,
                ReportInterval = 1000
        += (o, args) =>
                GeoCoordinate coordinate = args.Position.GeoCoordinate;
                GeoCoordinate = coordinate;

        += (o, args) => PositionStatus = args.Status;


The viewmodel contains two DelegateCommands that are used to start and stop position monitoring. The commands are initialized in the viewmodel constructor, as shown:

public GeoLocationViewModel()
    startCommand = new DelegateCommand(obj => Start(), arg => CanStart);
    stopCommand = new DelegateCommand(obj => Stop(), arg => Running);
    PropertyChanged += delegate { RefreshCommands(); };

Tapping the Stop button causes the viewmodel’s StopCommand to execute, which calls the Stop method of the geoLocator. This prevents the PositionChanged event from being raised. The Stop method is shown in the following excerpt:

void Stop()
    if (!running || geoPositionWatcher == null)

    if (sampler != null)
        sampler = null;

    Running = false;
    CanStart = true;

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