Sending Contacts a Link Using the ShareLinkTask


The share link task is used to enable the user to share a link on one or more social networks.

The ShareLinkTask allows you to specify a link URI, title, and message, as shown in the following excerpt:

ShareLinkTask task = new ShareLinkTask
        LinkUri = new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute),
        Title = "Check out the Windows Phone Experts group.",
        Message = "Interested in Windows Phone development? "
                    + " Join the Windows Phone Experts group on Linked-In!"


When the task’s Show method is called, the built-in link sharing app is launched, allowing the user to select various social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The sample for the ShareLinkTask is a page called ShareLinkTaskView, which allows the user to enter a URL, title, and message, and to launch the ShareLinkTask via an application bar button (see Figure 14.21).


FIGURE 14.21 ShareLinkTaskView page.

Allowing users to share links with their contacts is a great way to connect your app with a wider audience.

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