
Changing Cartographic Modes

The Maps control can be viewed using one of the following four cartographic modes (represented by the MapCartographicMode enum):

Image Aerial

Image Hybrid

Image Road

Image Terrain

A cartographic mode represents a 2D projection of the Earth. You set the cartographic mode of a Map using its CartographicMode property.

The sample’s MapViewModel class contains a MapCartographicModes property, which is an IEnumerable<MapCartographicMode>. The backing field for the property is populated using the custom EnumUtility class, which extracts each enum value and provides the viewmodel with an IEnumerable that is compatible with data-binding.

readonly IEnumerable<MapCartographicMode> mapCartographicModes
    = EnumUtility.CreateEnumValueList<MapCartographicMode>();

The MapView page uses a Windows Phone Toolkit ListPicker control, which is bound to the MapCartographicModes property, allowing the user to switch between modes. See the following excerpt:

    ItemsSource="{Binding MapCartographicModes}"
    SelectedItem="{Binding MapCartographicMode, Mode=TwoWay}"

The SelectedItem property of the ListPicker is bound to the viewmodel’s MapCartographicMode property. The Map control’s CartographicMode property is also bound to the viewmodel’s MapCartographicMode property, as shown:

<m:Map x:Name="map"
    CartographicMode="{Binding MapCartographicMode, Mode=TwoWay}"

Changing the mode via the list picker causes the map to change modes.

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