Obtaining an ApplicationId and AuthenticationToken


The earlier Windows Phone 7 Bing Maps control allowed you to obtain an API key and use it during development. This process has changed for the new Map control. You now obtain the API keys for your app, at the last minute, as part of the Windows Phone marketplace submission process.

The ApplicationId and AuthenticationToken values are specific to your app and are retrieved after you have provided a name for the app, at stage two of the marketplace submission process. On the Windows Phone Dev Center website, follow the Map services link and click Get Token. The new ApplicationID and AuthenticationToken are displayed on the same page. Copy and paste the values into the Map object’s Loaded event handler. Rebuild your app with the new code, using a production build configuration, and upload the XAP.


The ApplicationId and AuthenticationToken properties must be set after the first Map control has been loaded in your app. These values are retained by the mapping infrastructure for all subsequent maps. If you destroy all instances of the Map control in your app and then create a new instance, you have to set these properties again.

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