ContextMenu and MVVM


So far you have seen the ContextMenu employed with hardwired MenuItems and Click events. This approach is adequate for simple apps. Yet, the MenuItem class supports ICommands out of the box. And, with this, you can bind a viewmodel’s ICommand to a MenuItem, removing the need for Click event handlers in the code-beside.

To demonstrate, we bind a viewmodel command to a MenuItem, which displays a message to the user. The ContextMenuViewModel class, in the downloadable sample code, contains a ShowMessageCommand property, declared as shown:

readonly DelegateCommand showMessageCommand;

public ICommand ShowMessageCommand
        return showMessageCommand;

The task of the ShowMessageCommand is to display a message using the custom IMessageService. For more information regarding the ImessageService, see Chapter 2, “Fundamental Concepts in Windows Phone Development.” The ShowMessageCommand is initialized within the viewmodel’s constructor. When the command executes, it presents the command parameter using the message service, as shown in the following excerpt:

public ContextMenuViewModel()
    showMessageCommand = new DelegateCommand(
        parameter =>
            var messageService = Dependency.Resolve<IMessageService>();
            messageService.ShowMessage(parameter + " clicked!");

    /* Content omitted. */

As with most examples in this book, the viewmodel is initialized and assigned to the view’s DataContext property like so:

public ContextMenuView()
    DataContext = new ContextMenuViewModel();

With the viewmodel and command in place, MenuItems are able to bind to the command in the view XAML. In the following excerpt you see three MenuItem controls, each bound to the ShowMessageCommand. The first uses a string as its command parameter. The second and third use the RelativeSource markup extension to bind to their own Header properties. See the following excerpt:

<Button Margin="0,12" VerticalAlignment="Center" Padding="16"
    Content="Using ICommands">
                Header="option 1"
                Command="{Binding ShowMessageCommand}"
                CommandParameter="option 1" />


When a MenuItem is tapped, a message box is displayed with the MenuItem’s Header (see Figure 9.11).


FIGURE 9.11 Tapping a MenuItem causes a message box to be displayed.

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