Using AutoCompleteBox with MVVM


This section looks at controlling an AutoCompleteBox from a viewmodel. The example code for this section is located in the AutoCompleteBoxView and AutoCompleteBoxViewModel in the downloadable sample code.

AutoCompleteBox provides various ways for selecting the items to be displayed in the suggestion list. The AutoCompleteBox.FilterMode property allows you to specify how entered text is matched with items in the suggestion list. When a match occurs, the item is displayed in the selection list. If AutoCompleteFilterMode is not specified, the StartsWith filter mode is used, which is not a case-sensitive filter, where the returned items start with the entered text. Table 9.1 lists the FilterMode values.

TABLE 9.1. AutoCompleteFilterMode Enum Values


To demonstrate the FilterMode, we place a FilterMode property in the viewmodel and then bind the AutoCompleteBox.FilterMode property to it. The viewmodel’s FilterMode property is shown in the following excerpt:

AutoCompleteFilterMode filterMode;

public AutoCompleteFilterMode FilterMode
        return filterMode;
        Assign(ref filterMode, value);

We bind the ItemsSource property of the AutoCompleteBox to the Suggestions property of the viewmodel. A two-way data binding is used to allow the AutoCompleteBox to update the FilterMode when a custom filter is supplied:

<toolkit:AutoCompleteBox ItemsSource="{Binding Suggestions}"
                    FilterMode="{Binding FilterMode, Mode=TwoWay}" />

The viewmodel also exposes a list of available FilterModes, as shown:

readonly List<AutoCompleteFilterMode> filterModes
    = new List<AutoCompleteFilterMode>
                /* Enum values removed for brevity. */

public IEnumerable<AutoCompleteFilterMode> FilterModes
        return filterModes;

This list is used by a ListPicker, which enables the user to select the filter mode to use. The ItemsSource of the ListPicker is bound to the FilterModes property, and its SelectedItem property uses a two-way data binding to the viewmodel’s FilterMode property:

<toolkit:ListPicker ItemsSource="{Binding FilterModes}"
                    SelectedItem="{Binding FilterMode, Mode=TwoWay}" />

Selecting an alternative filter mode via the ListPicker changes the filtering behavior of the AutoCompleteBox (see Figure 9.5).


FIGURE 9.5 AutoCompleteBox with FilterMode set to StartsWithCaseSensitive.

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