
App Instant Answer

In addition to quick card search integration, App Instant Answer displays links to Windows Phone apps directly within search results. Unlike quick card integration, no registration of extension details is required for an app to appear in search results.

If an app matches a search query, the built-in search app displays the app in the search results. Tapping the app in the search results launches the app. The search query is passed to the app using a launch URI query string parameter named bing_query. If your app is launched from App Instant Answer, you can parse the launch URI to determine the query that corresponds to the launch.

The following example shows a launch URI from an App Instant Answer (when the default navigation page is set to MainPage.xaml). In this example, the user was searching for “xbox games”.



Unlike quick card integration, all App Instant Answer launches navigate to the landing page of your app, as they would in a standard app launch. You cannot specify a different navigation target.

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