Chapter 1. Introduction to Windows Phone App Development


In This Chapter

Image Development tools installation

Image A first look at XAML apps in Windows Phone

Image Understanding the Application class

The mobile phone industry is highly competitive. After stiff competition from other mobile technologies, Microsoft has gone all out to reenter the mobile software market with a strong emphasis on software, hardware, and services. Windows Phone 8 builds on Windows Phone 7 and represents a clean break from the past. As a consequence Windows Mobile 6.5 applications are not compatible with Windows Phone.

Windows Phone provides developers with three powerful UI technologies for developing apps: XAML, XNA, and Direct3D. Although this book does not cover Direct3D, and the focus of this book is squarely on XAML-based apps, it would not be complete without some coverage of XNA because XNA APIs provide access to key features of the phone.


XAML is a markup language, and variants of the technology exist in Silverlight, WPF, and even non-UI technologies such as Windows Workflow Foundation. If you are familiar with earlier version of the Windows Phone SDK; pre-Windows Phone 8, you may be wondering why the sudden emphasis on XAML as a UI technology. Where did Silverlight go? The answer is that it is still there, but it is no longer called Silverlight. The rendering technology underpinning XAML apps in Windows Phone is still firmly based on Silverlight, and Microsoft’s shift away from Silverlight has resulted in the Silverlight technology in Windows Phone being rebranded as XAML plus .NET.

This chapter begins by guiding you through the installation of the Windows Phone development tools. Finally, it walks you through the creation of a first XAML base app for Windows Phone.

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