
Things to Avoid When Using the Panorama and Pivot

The following is a list of things that should be avoided when using the Pivot and Panorama:

Image Do not place a Pivot inside a Panorama, or nest Pivots.

Image Do not attempt to use either the Pivot or Panorama for creating a wizard flow. The user sees the Pivot and Panorama as distinct areas of data, and not as a flow to be stepped through. For a wizard, use a page flow instead.

Image Using a control that relies on horizontal touch gestures, such as a map control, inside a Pivot or Panorama is not recommended, as it interferes with horizontal navigation within the Pivot or Panorama.

Image Avoid animating the Panorama title or section titles as they change position when the user moves across the control.

Image Avoid dynamically changing the Panorama title.

Image Do not override the horizontal pan and flick functionality of the controls because it may interfere with the built-in touch support.

Image Keep to the recommended number of views, seven for the Pivot and four for the Panorama. The user should never lose his place inside the Panorama.

Image Avoid making your Panorama overly complex, for example, where every link on the Panorama takes the user to a Pivot.

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