Chapter 12. Processing Touch Input


In This Chapter

Image Using mouse events for tap and double-tap gestures

Image Understanding how touch events are promoted to mouse events

Image Registering for touch notifications using the Touch.FrameReported event

Image Using manipulation events to consolidate touch input from multiple fingers

Image Using a RenderTransform to move, resize, and rotate a UIElement via touch

Image Animating an element in response to a flick gesture

Image Best practices when designing touch friendly interfaces

Windows Phone devices come equipped with capacitive touch screens that offer a smooth, accurate, multitouch enabled experience. By adding touch and gesture support to your apps, you can greatly enhance the user experience.

You can handle touch input in your XAML-based Windows Phone app in a number of ways, including

Image Mouse events

Image TouchPoint class

Image Manipulation events

Image UIElement gesture events

Image Windows Phone Toolkit for gestures

Mouse events are an easy way to get basic touch support and detect simple, one-finger gestures, such as tap and double tap.

The TouchPoint class provides a low-level input system that you can use to respond to all touch activity in the UI. The TouchPoint class is used by the higher-level touch input systems.

Manipulation events are UIElement events used to handle more complex gestures, such as multitouch gestures and gestures that use inertia and velocity data.

UIElement and Toolkit gestures further consolidate the low-level touch API into a set of gesture-specific events and make it easy to handle complex single and multitouch gestures.

This chapter explores each of these four approaches in detail. The chapter presents an example app demonstrating how to move, resize, rotate, and animate a UIElement using gestures; and it concludes by looking at the best practices for optimizing your user interfaces for touch input.


The Windows Phone Emulator does not support multitouch input using the mouse, therefore multitouch apps must be tested on a development computer that supports touch input, or on an actual phone device.

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