Coded UI Testing


Coded UI tests simulate a user interacting with the application. These tests rely on an automation API to allow programmatic access to UI elements. For example, an automation object can be used to raise a button’s Tap event.

There are other types of tests as well, including acceptance testing, performance testing, and stress testing. You often use different tools or extensions to your testing framework for these types of tests. Despite some tests not being formally unit tests, it’s fine to use the existing unit testing framework and tools to perform other kinds of testing. The unit testing tools presented in this chapter are a good starting point for many other types of tests.

It is important to partition your tests by test type. For example, unit tests should execute quickly, and by grouping integration tests with unit tests, you risk slowing the execution of the group, which may make running the tests tedious, resulting in avoidance of unit testing altogether by you or another developer. Other test types, such as system tests, which test the entirety of your app, may rely on resources that are unavailable during a unit testing session. By including a system test with your unit tests, you may inadvertently prevent the test suite from passing.

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