Verifying Collection Conditions with CollectionAssert


The following is the list of collection assertions that enable you to verify the contents of collections:

Image AllItemsAreInstancesOfTypeVerifies that all items in a collection are, or inherit from, a specified type.

Image AllItemsAreNotNullVerifies that no item in the collection is null.

Image AllItemsAreUniqueVerifies that a collection is a set; each item occurs only once.

Image AreEqual and AreNotEqualVerifies that two collections have the same number of items, and that each item in the first collection is equal to the item at the same index in the second collection.

Image AreEquivalent and AreNotEquivalentVerifies that two collections have the same number of items, and that each item in the first collection has an item that is equal to it in the second collection. This differs from AreEqual and AreNotEqual in that order does not matter.

Image Contains and DoesNotContainVerifies that a collection contains a specified item.

Image IsSubsetOf and IsNotSubsetOfVerifies that all items in one collection exist in another specified collection.

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