Abstracting the LicenseInformation Class


The downloadable sample code includes a custom ILicenseService interface, which contains a single property called Trial, indicating the trial state of the app. There are two implementations of this interface: one for testing and one for production.

The production implementation named LicensingService wraps a LicenseInformation instance, as shown in the following excerpt:

public class LicensingService : ILicensingService
    public bool Trial
            LicenseInformation licenseInformation
                                    = new LicenseInformation();
            return licenseInformation.IsTrial();

During development and testing, the LicensingService class is replaced by a MockLicensingService class, which allows you to change the value of its Trial property. See the following excerpt:

public class MockLicensingService : ILicensingService
    bool trial = true;

    public bool Trial
            return trial;
            trial = value;

The particular implementation that is used depends on the type association within the IoC container. When the project is built using a release configuration, LicensingService is used; otherwise, the MockLicensingService is used.

Within the ChatClientView page is a button whose visibility depends on a viewmodel property called BuyOptionVisible. See the following excerpt:

bool buyOptionVisible;

public bool BuyOptionVisible
        return buyOptionVisible;
    private set
        Assign(ref buyOptionVisible, value);

In the viewmodel constructor, the value of the buyOptionVisible field is determined using the ILicensingService, which is resolved via the static Dependency method called Resolve:

var licensingService = Dependency.Resolve<ILicensingService>();
buyOptionVisible = licensingService.IsTrial;

An AppBarMenuItem is bound to the BuyOptionVisible property, as shown:

    <u:AppBarMenuItem Text="Buy"
        Command="{Binding BuyCommand}"
        Visibility="{Binding BuyOptionVisible,
        Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}" />

A value converter is used to convert the Boolean value to a Visibility enum value.

When the user taps the button, the BuyCommand is executed. In the next section you see how the BuyCommand uses an abstracted MarketPlaceDetailTask to launch the built-in marketplace application on the phone.

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