Saving Files

Saving a project file ensures that it’s stored on a hard disk for future access. The hard disk might be on your own computer or on your company’s network. It can be your project server as an enterprise project. Saving files to a consistent location can make finding your primary and backup files easy.

Saving a New Project to Your Local Computer or Network Drive

Do the following to save a project file to a drive on your local computer or to a network drive:

  1. On the Standard toolbar, click File, Save As.

    The Save As dialog box appears (see Figure 29-4).

    The Save As dialog box displays the contents of the default folder.

    Figure 29-4. The Save As dialog box displays the contents of the default folder.

  2. In the Folders or the Save In box, click the drive or folder where you want to save the file.

  3. If necessary, double-click the folder in which you want to save the file.

  4. In the File Name box, type the name of the file.

  5. Click Save.

After saving a file with a name and in a specific location, be sure to save continually during your work session. A good rule of thumb is to save about every five minutes, or whenever you make significant changes that you wouldn’t want to lose in the event of a system failure or power outage. On the Standard toolbar, click the Save button or press Ctrl+S.

The Save As dialog box displays the contents of the default folder.



You can have Microsoft Project automatically and periodically save your file so that you don’t have to remember to do so. See the section titled Saving Project Files Automatically later in this chapter.

Saving an Enterprise Project File

When working with an enterprise project, you first open the project from your project server. When you are finished with the project, you save and check in the file to the project server.


This section applies only if you’re working with Project Professional set up for an enterprise environment.

To create a working draft version of a project, simply click File, Save to save it to the project server. If this is the first time you’re saving this project, the Save To Project Server dialog box appears (see Figure 29-5). Enter a name for the new project, specify that you’re saving the file as a project (rather than as a template), and select the name of the calendar for the project. Complete any custom field values as needed and then click Save. The project is saved to the project server.

The Save To Project Server dialog box enables you to save project plans in the enterprise environment.

Figure 29-5. The Save To Project Server dialog box enables you to save project plans in the enterprise environment.

If you want to work with the enterprise project while not connected to the project server, click File, Save As. In the Save To Project Server dialog box, click Save As File. Specify the location where you want to save the project, give the file a name if necessary, and click Save.

Whenever you save an enterprise project file, those changes are saved to the project server. However, until you give the command to publish the project, the changes you have made since the last time the project was published are just part of the working draft of the project. No one but you can see or work with the changes you’ve made. The project is not listed in the Project Center, and assignments have not yet gone to their resources.


For more information about saving, publishing, and checking project files in and out of the project server, see the section titled Managing Your Project Files on the Server in Chapter 22.

Specifying the Default Save Location

If you have a drive or folder dedicated to your project management files, you might want to make that your default save location. This default location will be the folder that is presented first whenever you open or save a project file. To set the default folder, do the following:

  1. Click Tools, Options and then click the Save tab.

  2. Under File Locations, click the Modify button.

  3. In the Modify Location dialog box, browse to the drive and folder where you want your new project files to be saved by default. Click OK.

  4. In the Options dialog box, click OK.


If you regularly save your project files as something other than an MPP file (for example, a Microsoft Project 2002 file or a template), you can change the default file type from MPP to your file type of choice. Click Tools, Options and then click the Save tab. In the Save Microsoft Project Files As box, select the file type you want to use as the default.

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