Creating Milestones in Your Schedule

You can designate certain tasks as milestones in your project plan. Having milestones flagged in your project plan and visible in your Gantt Chart helps you see when you’ve achieved another benchmark. Milestones often indicate the beginning or ending of major phases or the completion of deliverables in your project. As you complete each milestone, you come ever closer to completing the project. Milestones are also excellent reporting points.

A milestone, as such, has no additional calculation effect on your schedule. However, you typically link a milestone to other tasks. You might also set a date constraint or deadline on a milestone.

The simplest method for entering a milestone is to create a task that’s worded like a milestone (for example, "Web site launched") and enter a duration of 0. Any task with a 0 duration is automatically set as a milestone. The milestone marker and date are drawn in the chart area of the Gantt Chart (see Figure 5-19).

Microsoft Project interprets any task with a 0 duration as a milestone.

Figure 5-19. Microsoft Project interprets any task with a 0 duration as a milestone.

However, a milestone doesn’t have to have a 0 duration. You might want to make the final task in each phase a milestone, and these are real tasks with real durations.


Before you make tasks with durations into milestone tasks, be aware that you might be creating a new set of problems. The Gantt bar is replaced by a milestone marker at the finish date, so the duration is not shown unless you create a custom Gantt bar for this purpose. Also, if you export task data to other applications or copy task data between different projects, the milestone tasks are not likely to appear as expected.

To change a regular task into a milestone, follow these steps:

  1. Select the task you want to become a milestone.

  2. On the Standard toolbar, click Task Information and then click the Advanced tab.

  3. Select the Mark Task As Milestone check box.

    The Gantt bar for the task changes to the milestone marker in the chart area of the Gantt Chart (see Figure 5-20).

    You can set any task as a milestone.

    Figure 5-20. You can set any task as a milestone.


In previous versions of Microsoft Project, if you designate a task with duration as a milestone, by default the milestone marker sits at the task’s start date in the chart portion of the Gantt Chart. This is misleading and potentially confusing, because the marker sits at the start date while the date label indicates the finish date.

In Microsoft Office Project 2007, the default milestone marker sits at the task’s finish date, which makes much better sense.


You can review specialized milestone Gantt Charts to take a closer look at project milestones. First, select the tasks you want to roll up. Click Tools, Macro, Macros. Click Rollup_Formatting and then click the Run button. Select the duration unit for tasks, for example, Days, and then click OK. Click View, More Views, Milestone Rollup or Milestone Date Rollup, and then click the Apply button.

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