
Contents at a Glance


About the Authors

About the Technical Reviewer


Preface: Why Drupal?

What's New in Drupal 7

How to Use This Book

How Drupal Works

Part 1: Getting Started

images Chapter 1: Building a Drupal 7 Site

Planning: Setting Parameters and Knowing Where You're Going

Discovery: Why Should This Site Be Built?

Information Architecture: Exactly What Will You Build?



Installing Drupal

Drupal's Administration Menu

Appearance: Changing a Core Theme's Color Scheme

Extending Functionality with Modules

Allowing People to Register and Log In with OpenID

Creating Content Types and Adding Content

Creating Content

Blocks: Creating a Mission Statement

Taxonomy: Categorizing Content

Users, Roles, and Permissions

Time for a Celebratory Beverage

images Chapter 2: Essential Tools: Drush and Git

A Beginner's Guide to Installing Drush

Git: Development Grease

Why Git?

Installing Git

Working with Git

Other Useful Git Commands

Database Backup Tools


Part II: Site Building Foundations

images Chapter 3: Building Dynamic Pages Using Views

What Are Views?

Examples of Views Usage

Download, Enable, and Configure Permissions for the Views Module(s)

The Views Administration Page

Advanced Help Module

Action Links

Change Which Available Views Are Listed

Available Views

Deconstructing a View

Display Types

Views Configuration Detail

Overriding: A Views Concept

Understanding What Type of Content Will Be Output: Views Filters

Advanced Filter Criteria Groups: Combining Sorts with Logical Operators

Understanding the Order in Which Content Will Be Output: Views Sort Criteria

Understanding What Pieces of Content Will Be Output: Views Format Settings

Creating a Basic View

The Goal

Systematic Approach

Set Up the Basics for Your Views

Define the Administrative Information

Define the Title

Define What Type of Content You Want to Display

Define What Elements of the Content You Want to Display

Define Format Settings

Define the Order in Which You Want Your Content to Display

Define the Number of Results

Add a Menu

Define Advanced Settings

Preview Your Work

Dynamically Editing Your View

Admire Your View

Add More Features

Extend a View

Handling the Use Case of Zero Results

One Page, Multiple Displays to Highlight First Result

Using Tabs for Unique Displays

Cloning and Making Administrative Tables Using Exposed Filters

Advanced Views Implementations

Contextual Filters


Other Modules

Exporting to Code

Additional Resources

images Chapter 4: There's a Module for That

Modules for Drupal Are Constantly Evolving

Fewer Modules Is Better

How to Find and Choose a Module

What to Do When Something's Wrong with a Module

Modules in Core

Where to Store Contributed Modules

Site Building Essentials



Token (Dependency)

Additional Field Types



AntiSpam or Mollom

Other Modules That May Prove Useful

Administrative Interface and Content Entry

Content Display

Menus and Navigation

Community Building and Social Networking

Paths, Search and 404 Errors


The Beauty of It All

images Chapter 5: Creating Community Web Sites with Organic Groups

Installing and Configuring Organic Groups

Group Content Types

Creating Groups

Using Views with Organic Modules

Creating Group Content

Getting Started with Panels

Members, Roles, and Permissions


images Chapter 6: Security in Drupal

Setting Up a Secure Drupal Site

Use Strong Passwords

Reserve User 1 for Administration Purposes Only

Be Cautious When Assigning Permissions

Keep Text Formats Tight and Secure

Avoid Using the PHP Filter Module

Security Process

Choosing Modules and Themes: How Secure Are Contributed Projects?

Keep Your Code Base Current

Writing Secure Code

Dealing with Security Issues


images Chapter 7: Updating Drupal

Why Update


Manual Update

Follow the Steps in UPGRADE.txt

Drush Update

Diff Update

Contributed Modules

Drupal's Automated Module Installer

Updating Modules with Drush


images Chapter 8: Extending Your Site

Showcasing Authors with Profile Pages

Giving Authors a Headshot Image

Linking from Profiles to Web Sites

Authors' Other Homes on the Internet

A Non-displaying Data Field: Approximate Pages

Connecting Author Profiles to Authors' User Accounts

Giving Authors Permission to Create Profiles

Listing the Authors

Building the Authors Headshot View

Building an Author Biographies View Page, Reachable As a Tab on the Authors View

Fine-tuning Content Display

Using View Modes to Display the Same Content in Different Ways

Modifying Teaser Display and Setting Trim Length

Making the Table of Contents with Book Module

Setting Permissions for Organizing and Writing Chapters

Adding Metadata to the Chapter Content Type with Fields

Setting How the Chapter Content Type Displays Its Fields

Using Menu Block to Display a Better Table of Contents

Adding the Table of Contents to the Main Menu

Linking Chapters to Their Authors

Adding a Resource Content Type That References Chapters

Reusing Chapter's Image Field

Allowing People to Attach Generic Files to Content

Connecting Content Types with a Node Reference

Managing Resource Content Type Display

Showing Content That References the Post Being Viewed

Giving Faces to the People Posting on Your Site

Adding a Text Format That Allows Images

Bonus: Making It Easy to Insert Images into Posts

Limiting Access to the Suggestion Status Field

Autogenerating Human-readable URLs with Pathauto


Part III: Making Your Life Easier

images Chapter 9: Drupal Community: Getting Help and Getting Involved

How to Get the Most from Your Participation

Where to Find the Community

Reading, Listening, and Watching


The Issue Queues


images Chapter 10: Planning and Managing a Drupal Project

The Role of Limitations

Putting Down Your Concept on Paper

1. Discovery

2. Information Architecture

3. Design

4. Development and Implementation

5. Content

6. Deployment/Launch

7. Maintenance

Project Management Methodologies and Drupal

Taking the Lifecycle into Account on Paper

What's a Project Plan?

Estimating Completion Dates


Minimum Viable Project/Product

Keeping Track of Commitments

Project Manager Tasks Beyond Development

Kickoff Meetings

Discovery Meetings

Information Architecture/Design Meetings

Development Meetings


Milestone Closing Meetings

Launch Meetings

Post-Project Debriefs

Other Tasks for Project Managers

Creating User Stories

Implementing Tasks and Task Workflow

Tasks That Make up Milestones

Bad Days

Further Resources

images Chapter 11: Documenting for End Users and the Production Team

What Makes Good Documentation?

Getting Clients into Content Entry Early

Creating End-User Documentation Post-Launch

The Anatomy of Good Client Documentation

Documenting for the Development Team

Documenting for the Community

The More You Know

images Chapter 12: Development Environment

Starting with Quickstart

Enhancing Your Existing Dev Environment

Hosting Your Site Locally

Accessing the Command Line

Working with Rendered HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Browser and Device Compatibility Testing

Working with PHP Files

The Most Basic Development Environment

Select Hosting Service

Uncompressing Archives

Server-Side Tasks and Tools


images Chapter 13: Putting a Site Online and Deploying New Features

Putting Your Site Online

1. Export the Database

2. Transfer to Server

3. Create a Database on the Server and Import Your Database

4. Set the Database Settings in settings.php

5. Point Incoming Traffic for Your Domain(s) to Your Site on the Server

Before You Go Any Further, Back Up

Staging and Deployment


The Workflow

Bringing Content from Production to Development (and Stage/QA)

Bring Code Changes from Development to Stage, then Live

How to Put “Everything In Code”

Development Workflow Recap


images Chapter 14: Developing from a Human Mindset

Use Revision Control


Experiment Freely


Part IV: Front-End Development

images Chapter 15: Theming

The Core Themes Directory

Core Themes

Theme Engines

Theme Administration

Enabling and Setting a Default Theme

Administration Theme

Global Theme Settings

Installing a New Theme

Defining Theme Metadata (.info Files)

Required Properties

Additional Properties

Working with Regions

Default Regions

Hidden Regions

Module-Specific Regions

Regions and Your Theme

Using Regions vs. Hard-coding Variables in Template Files

Layout Strategies

Template Files

Common Core Templates

Overriding Template Files

Global Template Variables

Theme Functions

How Theme Functions Are Created

Calling Theme Functions

Overriding Theme Functions

Theme Hooks and Theme Hook Suggestions

What Is a Theme Hook?

Theme Hook Suggestions

Suggestions and Template Files

Suggestions and Theme Functions


images Chapter 16: Advanced Theming

Finding Available Variables in the Theme Layer

Using the Theme Developer Module

Preprocess and Process Functions

Implementing Preprocess and Process Hooks

Finding the Contents of $variables

Preprocess Functions in Action

Using the Render API

What Is a Render Array?

Identifying Render Elements

Manipulating the Output of Render Elements

Notable Render Arrays in Core Templates

Introducing render(), hide(), and show()

Theming Forms

How Form Markup Is Generated

First Steps for Theming Forms

Theming Forms with Theme Functions

Theming Forms with Template Files

Modifying Forms Using Alter Hooks

Managing CSS Files

Aggregation and Compression

Patterns and Naming Conventions

Adding, Removing, and Replacing CSS Files

Working with Base and Subthemes

Creating a Subtheme

Inheritance and How It Works

Finding a Good Base Theme

Tips for Creating Your Own Base Themes

Sustainability and Best Practices

Start With a Good Base

Override Template Files with Purpose

Leverage Default CSS Classes

Do My Changes Belong in a Module?


images Chapter 17: jQuery

Implementing jQuery and JavaScript

Including JavaScript

JavaScript Libraries

Overriding JavaScript

Drupal Behaviors

Degrading JavaScript/jQuery Nicely

jQuery UI

jQuery UI in Drupal Core

Further jQuery Resources


Part V: Back-End Development

images Chapter 18: Introduction to Module Development

A Very Simple Module

Two Files in a Folder

Where to Put a Custom Module

Create a Repository for Your Module

The .info File

The .module File


Technical Skills

PHP Basics


Operators and Conditional Statements

Control Structures

Drupal Coding Standards

Development Tip #1: When Something Isn't Working, Clear Caches

Development Tip #2: When Anything's Missing, Check Permissions

Development Tip #3: Set Your Site to Show All Errors


images Chapter 19: Using Drupal's APIs in a Module

Altering Forms

Localization with t() and format_plural()

Finding a Drupal Function That Does What You Need

Investigating What the Function Gives You

Creating a Page with hook_menu()

Choosing a Path for an Administration Page

Defining a Page with a Normal Menu Item

Defining a Tab with a Local Task Menu Item

Declaring Menu Items for X-ray Module

Using Existing Permissions in Your Module

Finding Permissions' System Names in the Database

Finding Permissions' System Names in Code

A Second Local Task to Complement the Default Local Task

Call All Implementations of a Hook

Format Data for Display as a Table

Documenting Themeable Code with @ingroup themeable

Making Modules Themeable

Resources for Theming in Modules

A More Drupal 7 Approach: Leveraging the Power of Render Arrays

Calling a Drupal Function Directly

Styling Your Module: Adding a CSS File

Database API

Fetching Data with a Select Query

Fetching Data with a Static Query with a Join on Two tables

A Non-Database Interlude: Displaying the Same Data in Two Locations

Using variable_get() and Another Static Select Counting and Grouping Query

Dynamic Queries

The .install File

Figuring Out Your Data Model

Creating a Database Table

Inserting and Updating Data

Displaying Data in a Sortable Table

Drupal Entities: Common Structure Behind Site Components


images Chapter 20: Refining Your Module

Creating a Configuration Page for Your Module

Building a Settings Form

Defining New Permissions

Conditionally Taking Action Based on Configuration or User Access

Writing a Utility Function when Drupal APIs Miss Your Need

Listing Data as Human-Readable, Properly-Punctuated Text

Making Mistakes and Embracing Error Messages

Searching for Answers

Syntactic Fatal Errors

Runtime Fatal Errors

Tracking Down the Cause of Errors and Warnings

Making a Preprocess Function

Final Considerations

Coder Module Review

Peer Review

Using hook_help() as Drupal Intended


images Chapter 21: Porting Modules to Drupal 7

Deciding to Upgrade a Module

Posting the Issue

Why Not Custom Code?

Undertaking the Upgrade

Keeping Track of What You Need to Know

Automating (Part of) the Module Upgrade

Identifying What's Wrong

Finding Models to Follow

Contributing the Upgrade to

images Chapter 22: WritingProject-Specific Code

Custom Modules


The Method

What is it that I need to modify and why am I doing it?

Where can I hook into?

What is already there?

How can I modify existing functionality for my own needs?

An Example: Changing the Label of a Submit Button

Specific Use Cases

Hiding Elements from the User Interface

Execution Order of Hooks

Working with Fields

Adding Dynamic Front-End Interaction

Making Code Reusable

Make Functionality Configurable

Tie Components Together

Document Your Code

Follow Drupal's Coding Standards

Release Your Work


images Chapter 23: Introduction to Functional Testing with Simpletest

Advantages (and Caveats) of Using Simpletest

When to Use Simpletest

What Is Test-Driven Development (TDD)?

How Simpletest Works

Setting up and Running a Test

Anatomy of a .test File

Writing Your First Test

Running Your First Test

Simpletests and Forms

The Simpletest API and Further Reading

Submitting a Patch to


images Chapter 24: Writing a Major Module

How Not to Build a Module

Know the Tools Drupal Gives You

Should Your Module Provide an API?

Keep API and UI Separate

Use APIs to Hide Complexity

Making Your Module Modular

Unleashing the Power of Hooking Into Your Module

Progressive Enhancement: Making Use of Other Modules If They Are Enabled

Getting Started with a Test Environment

Stealing Some Code to Start

Sharing Your Code in a Sandbox on

Planning Your Approach

Outlining an API

Diving Into Doing

Defining Your Data Model

How to Store the Data and How to Edit It in the UI

Providing a New Entity Type

When to Create an Entity Type

How to Create an Entity Type

Defining an Entity Access Callback Function

Giving Your Entities an Administrative Interface

Programmatically Creating and Attaching Fields

Finding a Model

Define Done

Part VI: Advanced Site-Building Topics

images Chapter 25: Drupal Commerce

Drupal Commerce Overview

Key Features

Digging Into Drupal Commerce



Dynamic Pricing


Line Item

Product Reference

Building a Product Display Node Type




Enabling Payment Methods



Summarizing the Main Components

Implementing Drupal Commerce

Development History

Design Philosophy

Development Standards

Building on Drupal 7

Core Entities and Fields

Forms API Improvements

Contributed Module Dependencies


images Chapter 26: Drush

Getting Started with Drush

Drupal Site Selection in Drush Commands

Drush Alias Files (aliases.drushrc.php)

Using the Drush Shell

Applying Code Updates with Drush

Installing Drush Extensions

Going In-Depth with Drush Configuration Options and Aliases

Drush Contexts

Command-Specific Options

Site Lists

Using Remote Commands to Deploy Sites with Drush

Setting Up an SSH Key Pair

Making a Local Copy of a Remote Drupal Site

Managing Dump Files

Using sql-sync Without Installing Drush on the Remote System

Using the Drush Site Context to Control sql-sync Options

Scripting with Drush

Processing Script Command Line Arguments and Options

Running External Commands

Processing Invoke Process Results

Output and Logging

Prompting the User

Logging and Error Reporting

Writing Drush Extensions

The Drush Command Hook

Providing the Command Implementation Function

Return an Array to Pass Structured Data to Other Drush Scripts

Manually Specify the Command Function with a Callback Item

Placing the Command Implementation in a Separate File

The Drush Help Hook

Altering Drush Command Behavior


images Chapter 27: Scaling Drupal

Do You Need to Care About Scaling?


Disabling Caching During Development



On Databases



A CAP Between ACID and BASE


Watchdog, Session, and Queue

Null Values in MongoDB


images Chapter 28: Spice Your Content Up With Tasty Semantics

Information Overload

How Did We Get There?

Decentralized Dataspaces

Linking Data at the Global Web Scale

Do You See What I Mean?

RDFa, or How HTML Can Be Augmented with Semantics

RDFa, Microformats andMicrodata

Drupal 7 and the Semantic Web

Understanding the Structure of RDF Mappings

Working with RDF Mapping Structures

RDF Vocabularies in Drupal 7

Using RDF Beyond Drupal Core with the Contributed Modules


images Chapter 29: The Menu System and the Path Into Drupal

Drupal’s Menu System by Example

The Never-ending Path

Structure of a Path

Callback Functions

Loader Functions


Modifying Existing Router Items


images Chapter 30: Under the Hood: Inside Drupal When It Displays a Page


First Bootstrap Phase: Initialize Configuration

Second Bootstrap Phase: Try to Serve a Cached Page

Third Bootstrap Phase: Initialize the Database Layer

Fourth Bootstrap Phase: Initialize the Variable System

Fifth Bootstrap Phase: Initialize Session Handling

Sixth Bootstrap Phase: Set up the Page Header

Seventh Bootstrap Phase: Find out the Language of the Page

Final Bootstrap Phase: Load Modules and Initialize Theme

Execution of the Page Callback

A Typical Example


images Chapter 31: Search and Apache Solr Integration

Search Module Administrative Options

Search Results and Facet Blocks

Search Module API

Hooks Implementations Required to Create a Search

Additional Search Module Hooks

Apache Solr Search Configuration

Enabled Filters

Type Biasing and Exclusion

Apache Solr Search Customization

Hooks for Getting Data into Solr

Hooks for Altering Queries and Results

Integrating with the Apache Solr Server

Managing Data in the Solr Index

Searching and Analysis


images Chapter 32: User Experience


Human API


Long Term Memory

Mental Model


Gestalt Psychology

Law of Similarity

Law of Proximity


Color Harmony


The Process

The Challenges

Concept: What Exactly Are You Building?


Build: Build an Alpha and Verify with Users

Optimize: Observations and New Versions

Running the Usability Test

Analysis of Results

Reporting of Issues

Feedback from Issue Queues

Release: Project Page and Documentation


Causes of Unhelpful Copy


images Chapter 33: Completing a Site: The Other 90%

Creating a View Mode

Creating a Custom Theming Template

Modifying the Chapter Number Field's Display

Linking to and Twitter Accounts with Field Formatters

Fetching the Username

Caching Simple Data Using Drupal's Default Cache Table

Streamlining an Awkward Form Element with CSS

Contextual “Add New” Links for Content Types

Finding and Following a Model

Noticing and Adopting a Better Way

Making a Custom Text Filter

Looking for a Module that Does What You Need

Choosing an Approach

Finding an Example (Hint: the Examples Project)

Giving a Module an Interim Name

Start a Repository for Your Module

Making the Tags and Replacement Markup Form

Making Your Own Hook

Filtering the Content

Renaming Your Module

Conditionally Including a Stylesheet for an Administration Page

Adding a Container Form Element with a Specified Class

Sharing Your Module on

Coda on a Contributed Module

Making a Site-Specific Module that Uses Your API

The Payoff

Adding Custom Markup for Output

Making Next and Previous Links That Mimic Book Navigation

Pulling the Information

Creating a View to Make User Pages Have Hackable URLs

In Conclusion

images Chapter 34: Drupal Distributions and Installation Profiles

Site Templates

Full-Featured Services

Development Profiles

An Example Distribution: Drune

Creating Installation Profiles

Structure of an Installation Profile

Dealing with Configuration: Features

Using Installation Profiles and Features as a Development Tool

Packaging Your Code

Drush Makefiles

Hosting on


The Future of Distributions


Part VII: Drupal Community

images Chapter 35: Drupal’s Story: A Chain of Many Unexpected Events

The Original Accident

Drupal Gains a Foothold

The Extended Weekend from Hell

If You Have a Problem, Please Search Before Posting a Question

The Story Continues

images Chapter 36: Now You’re in Business: Making a Living with Drupal

Building a Drupal Site: New Rules for New Technologies

“I Hate Drupal:” Things That Can Go Wrong

Understanding Drupal

Building on Drupal

Ensuring Your Success

Building Your Drupal Career

Finding Your Place

Getting Yourself Out There

Out on Your Own: Building a Drupal Business

Building a Drupal Career

Building Drupal: Making a Living as a Contributor

Benefits of “Giving Back”

Sustainability Counts!

Potential Business Models

Setting Expectations

Getting Better all the Time

images Chapter 37: Maintaining a Project

What’s a Drupal Project?

Set Up Your Account for Contributing

Creating a Sandbox Project


Project Information

Digging in with Git

Managing SSH

Hack on Your Project

From Sandboxville to Projectopolis

About Branches and Tags on

Preparing a Branch for Your Application

Preparing Your Project for Review

Applying for Access

Receiving Access


images Chapter 38: Contributing to the Community

Why Contribute?

Without Contributions, There Is No Drupal

Taking That First Step

Ways to Contribute

1. Providing Non-Technical Support

2. Sharing Everything

3. Answering Questions in Forums, Groups, Mailing Lists, Meetups, and IRC

4. Writing Documentation for

5. Contributing Patches

6. Contributing Code and Design

7. Curating Issue Queues

8. Reviewing the Contributions of Others

9. Making Better

10. Hosting and Organizing Meetups, Camps, Summits, and More

11. Money

12. Making the Drupal Community Welcoming

Building the Movement

Part VIII: Appendix

images Appendix A: Upgrading a Drupal Site from 6 to 7

Assess the Situation

Content Overview

Contributed Modules

Create a Plan

Run the Upgrade (Again and Again)


Drush Aliases for All Sites Involved in the Upgrade

A Middle Way

Capturing Additional Upgrade Steps in Update Hooks

Optional: Begin the Custom Upgrade Functions from the Drupal 7 Version of the Site's Glue Code Module

Creating an Upgrade Module

Enabling Modules in Code

Disabling Modules in Code

Automating the Fields Upgrade

Rerunning the Upgrade

Create a Feature

Consider Creating a Base Feature Module

Building a Feature Module

Adding Feature Modules to the Automatic Upgrade

Data Migration

Managing the Process

Understanding the Legacy Data

Specific Sticking Points

Initial Analysis





Launch Day


images Appendix B: Profiling Drupal and Optimizing Performance

User-Perceived Performance

What Makes a Web Site Slow?

Real Performance

Page and Block Level Caching

Profiling Drupal, a Primer

Slow Database Queries


images Appendix C: Page Rendering and Altering

Step 1: The Router Item

Step 2: The Page Callback Is Fired

Step 3: The Delivery Callback

Step 4: drupal_render_page()

Step 5. hook_page_alter()

Step 6. drupal_render()

images Appendix D: Visual Design for Drupal

Why Designers Should Work with Drupal

Designing for Drupal: What It Means

Anatomy of a Drupal Page

Design from the Content Out

Making Your Life Easier As a Drupal Designer

Remember—The Purpose of Design Is Communication

Understand Site Architecture and Content Strategy

Choose Fonts Wisely

Clearly Review the Requirements and Outline the Intended Functionality of Special Features

Design for the Entire User Experience

HTML5 in Drupal

How You Can Get Involved

images Appendix E: Accessibility

Recent Enhancements

What Are the Standards?

Who Benefits?

It's the Law

Nine Ways to Make Your Site Accessible

Accessible Modules

Theming Your Site

Contrast and Color

Automated Testing


Bring in WAI-ARIA

Maintenance is Critical

Schedule Regular Reviews of New and Old Pages

Get Expert Feedback

images Appendix F: Windows Development Environment


Visual Studio

WAMP Stack

Drupal Bits


phpMyAdmin and MySQL Connector


Installing Drush for Windows

Running Drush


Appendix G: Installing Drupal on Ubuntu

Running Ubuntu on Windows or Mac OS X

Customizing Ubuntu for Drupal Development with Drubuntu

Installing Drupal

Appendix H: Mac OSX Installation

Downloading Drupal Core File

Appendix I: Setting Up a Drupal Environment with the Acquia Dev Desktop


Taking It Further


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