So, how do you turn money worries into money confidence? The obvious answer would be ‘earn more money’. However, I’ve done this exercise with people who have made over £5 million in a year and they still worry about money. I’ve also done this exercise with people who earn less than £5000 a year and their money confidence is sky high.

I once did a Wheel of Life with a Premiership Footballer, and was astounded when he gave himself a very low mark for money. He was earning more money in a week than most people did in a year and still he worried. He worried that it might stop. He worried about funding his lifestyle. He worried that lots of people wanted a bit (or a lot) of his money. He worried that he wouldn’t be able to help his family the way he wanted to. And he worried whether or not his financial advisors were giving him the best financial advice. All in all, he worried way too much about money.

You may be reading this and thinking ‘I wish I had his money worries’ and I can’t blame you, but the fact is he would have worried about money if he earned £5 or £5 million.

At the other end of the scale is Alfie, who lives in Ibiza. He hangs out on the beach and busks during the summer. You couldn’t meet a person who has fewer money worries. It may be because he has no money to worry about, but, hey, that’s Alfie’s choice. And it is his choice, because at one point in his life Alfie was an insurance broker earning a six-figure income and killing himself with worry.

How much do you worry?

Here’s the thing – money is just a form of energy, it flows in and it flows out. Some people have large flows of money, with huge incomes and huge outgoings to match – but they are completely relaxed about it. Others have large incomes and small outgoings yet still they worry.

Here are five questions to ask yourself:

  1. If I lost all my money tomorrow what would I do?
  2. How do I feel about paying tax?
  3. What did my parents teach me about money?
  4. How much is too much?
  5. What creates my money worries for me?

By answering these five simple questions about money you’ll find out a lot about yourself. If you have a life partner, it will be fascinating to answer those questions together too.

Alleviate your money worries

So, if money is causing stresses and worries here are five things you can do to alleviate some of the worries:

  1. Read every chapter in this section, do the exercises and act on the advice.
  2. Find someone who appears to have little in the way of either money or worries and ask them their secrets.
  3. Talk about money. We are taught not to talk about money. I’ve found that the people who are happy to talk about money (not brag) are often the most relaxed people who have the best tips.
  4. Help someone (not necessarily financially) who is less fortunate than you. It’s interesting how your own money worries seem to shrink when you find out about other people’s needs.
  5. Create an affirmation that asserts your confidence with money. It may sound like you’re faking it at first but you’ll quickly start to believe it, then do it.

Worrying unnecessarily about money creates negative spirals that quickly drag you down. It’s challenging to break these beliefs when you are at rock bottom but anyone can, and if that’s you I can confidently tell you that with the knowledge you will acquire in the next few pages you will.


The single biggest challenge with ‘money worries’ is not facing up to the fact that you have them. Recognise you have a challenge then use the energy you are putting into worrying to start making a positive impact on the problem.

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