More has been written on the environment in the past five years than in the previous 50. The main reason is because we now know that we (me and you) need to be responsible and we can’t rely on anyone other than ourselves to do something about it.

Researching this section I noticed there was a lot of information from pre-2000 about how we are damaging the environment in which we live. What struck me most now is the increased speed we are doing it at.

And I’m not talking about melting ice caps or deforesting areas the size of Wales. This is about our local, national and international environment. Here’s the good news; there’s loads you can do to make a positive impact.

Here are 50 big and small things you can do

If you can tick 40 you are well on your way to making a positive impact:

  1. Turn the tap off while you brush your teeth.
  2. Recycle your glass, cardboard, plastic – everything your council allows you to.
  3. Repair before you renew.
  4. Accelerate slowly.
  5. Change your light bulbs for energy-efficient ones.
  6. Insulate – everything.
  7. Plant some trees (there are organisations that will help you do this).
  8. Pick up local litter.
  9. Walk.
  10. Make something with leftovers.
  11. Let nature do its thing.
  12. Ask your power supplier for advice on how to save.
  13. Wash clothes on a lower temperature.
  14. Fit a solar panel.
  15. Use one less sheet of loo paper for every sitting.
  16. Cancel unwanted ‘junk’ mail through the Mailing Preference Service.
  17. Buy local produce.
  18. Switch your lights off.
  19. Turn your thermostat down by a degree.
  20. Don’t leave TVs, etc. on standby.
  21. Report fly tipping.
  22. Grow your own vegetables.
  23. Catch a train.
  24. Buy Fairtrade.
  25. Use a cup or glass for your water or coffee-vending machine instead of plastic.
  26. Take your own bags to the supermarket.
  27. Recycle your old mobile phone (www.fonebak.com).
  28. Dispose of chewing gum carefully.
  29. Only fill the kettle with what you need.
  30. Recycle spectacles (www.vao.org.uk).
  31. Build up your tolerance and turn the air conditioning off.
  32. Use paper on both sides.
  33. Use a pen until it runs out of ink.
  34. Tidy your garden.
  35. Discuss this list with your kids (easy).
  36. Discuss this list with your parents (harder?).
  37. Don’t watch TV in bed.
  38. Find someone who works near you and give them a lift.
  39. Unplug your mobile phone as soon as it is charged.
  40. Don’t print it unless you really, really need to.
  41. Dog owners – pick up your dog’s poo.
  42. Organise a litter pick.
  43. Peg your washing out instead of tumble drying.
  44. Create your own compost heap.
  45. Turn your computer screen off.
  46. Before you throw away see if you can give away first.
  47. Have lots of plants in your house.
  48. Turn off ‘background’ TV.
  49. Allow part of your garden to grow wild.
  50. Feed the birds in winter.

It’s interesting that everything we do to ‘save’ the planet for the future also just happens to make the planet a more beautiful place to live on now. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time for you to make a positive impact on the environment and, even though your actions may seem small, in the scheme of things they will equal big marks on your environmental score in your Contribution Wheel.


Teach small children about the importance of environmental contribution. Then teach the bigger ones (like you).

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