How much time do you contribute? Actually, let me rephrase that. How much time do you contribute without expecting anything in return?

Most people would be happy to give more time if they got more for it. The idea of contributing time can be a daunting challenge for many people because they already feel they don’t have enough for themselves.

How much time is enough?

Enough to: watch the news? Read a paper? Catch up on some gossip? You can see where I’m going.

‘Hands up who’s got too much time?’ That’s a question I accidentally asked a group of category B prison inmates (I was in flow!) while working on a ‘How to Be Brilliant’ programme for repeat offenders. I’d asked the question so many times, to so many audiences and it just slipped out. Of course, all their hands went up and I had to spend the next 30 minutes listening to their stories of parole panels and criminal injustice.

So, let me ask you. Do you have too much time? Most people have this belief: ‘If I had more time then I would contribute more time.’ Unfortunately, that paradox means that they’ll never give more, as everyone has the same amount of time – it’s just how we choose to use it.

Choosing how to use your time

And that’s the key word – how you choose to use it. It’s much more about a mindset that you want to give some (or some more) of your time rather than whether you have enough. Once you realise that it is about choice, you can elevate your thinking into decision mode.

Extra hours

Here’s a fun game to play.

You are given an extra hour every day (lucky you – the 25-hour day). What are you going to do with it? Look at the list below and say the first choice that comes to mind:

  • Stay in bed or go to work?
  • Cook a meal or take some exercise?
  • Watch TV or read a book?
  • Make love or make the beds?
  • Try something new or look at old photographs?
  • Volunteer or get an early night?
  • Call two friends or write to one?
  • Surf the net or clean your shoes?

There are no right or wrong answers; however, if you have answered honestly you’ll begin to see what you prioritise and give your time to in your busy life. This is a brilliant game to play with your partner, family or a group of friends. Remember to go back and ask ‘why?’ after the answers.

A time challenge

My challenge to you is this. If you made a decision right now to contribute 3 hours a week for 12 weeks to something other than you, without needing any recognition or financial reward, could you do it?

If the answer was yes, then my next challenge to you is to find a way to make it happen.

If it was no, then take a long hard look in the mirror and ask yourself ‘why’? And keep on asking ‘why’ until you get to the truth.

How would you like three extra hours a week?

Here’s another challenge. If I could show you a way to gain those three hours a week would you contribute them to doing something for others? If so, read on for my . . .

Top 10 tips to save 30 minutes a day and still have a lie-in on Sunday

  1. Go to bed 15 minutes later and get up 15 minutes earlier! Too hard? OK, read on, there are nine more for lazybones.
  2. Learn the right way to say ‘no’. My friend uses this: ‘I’d love to [add what it is you’ve been asked to do] but I promised myself something. This year if I’m going to do something, I’m only going to do it if I know I can give it 100% and I’m concerned that I can’t give this 100%, so thank you for asking but no.’ It works and most people give him his space.
  3. Have a big clear out. Junk slows you down.
  4. Only check your emails twice a day.
  5. Don’t watch the news.
  6. Time phone calls and give yourself mental challenges for how long you’ll talk.
  7. Move faster, walk faster and talk faster.
  8. Book 45-minute meetings instead of hour-long ones.
  9. Learn how to delegate.
  10. Buy in some help.

If you test out all these 10 tips, you are bound to save at least half an hour a day or even more; loads more timesaving tips can be found at www.saveanhour.co.uk. Contribute this time – the rewards are amazing.


Volunteer some time with a friend or a group of friends. You are much more likely to see it through and you’ll be able to share your experiences with some special people.

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