This wheel is split into two halves that perfectly complement each other. The first is based on your levels of contribution, the second covers your higher purpose.

As you score yourself, be very honest with your responses, as the scores you give here may bring up some interesting questions or even give you a missing link on how to achieve your brilliant life.



Before you give yourself a mark, this is charity in its widest sense, so look at everything you give that may be for a charitable purpose. As always, you are measuring your own gut feeling. For some, putting a pound in a charity box may score a high mark; for others, major donations or organising spectacular events and volunteering 20 hours a week may still feel like you’ve not done enough.

Give yourself an honest mark on your charitable endeavours.

Your time

Do you give your time freely? Are you prepared to go an extra mile to help out those whose need it or are you chasing your tail just trying to get the basics right for you?

Your belief may be that if you had more time then you would contribute more. But often it’s the people with the most already on their life plate who give time to others. So, be honest and give yourself a mark for your contribution of time.

The environment

From recycling to reducing your carbon footprint, from tidying rubbish in your street to making an impact on people’s thinking, how do you rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 for your contribution to your environment?


How much of you are you happy to share? From your ideas to a pint of blood, how happy are you to share yourself, your most precious possession? Are you happy to get involved with your local community or share your knowledge to make things better? If so, then give yourself a high mark. If you have your list of excuses all lined up, then, sorry, your mark has to be lower.

Your values

Are you values driven? Or are you swayed by the crowd and popular beliefs? Would you be happy to stand up for something you believed in even though it might not be a popular choice? Could you immediately write your top 10 values and why you have them?

Give yourself an honest mark for this vital part of life.


Who are you? How aware are you of what makes you tick? Do you know your definite purpose? Do you allow yourself to be your authentic self? Or are you just getting by each day, still trying to work it all out?

If you are highly aware, then you can give yourself a high mark; if you’re not or you don’t know what on earth I’m talking about, then give yourself a lower mark and read the self-awareness section.

Now join up the scores and turn to the sections where you need some help.

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