Tell me what you want. What you really, really want. (Hey, that could almost work as a lyric!)

Most people know what they don’t want: ‘I don’t want to be lonely’, ‘I don’t want to be ill’, ‘I don’t want to be fat’, but ask them what they do want and you’ll be deafened by the silence.

When I teach my goal-setting workshop, I start by asking people to write down 50 things they want. I’m amazed that most people’s lists dry up after a handful of ideas, so I start giving all sorts of suggestions from the minute to the massive. Then I see people writing with a glint in their eye.

Could you write down 50 things that you want?

Don’t worry, you won’t have to go for them all, but could you brainstorm 50?

Have a go yourself first, then, if you get stuck, here are some to get you restarted:

Get fitHoliday in Italy
Write a bookDrive a ____ (add your fave car here)
PaintEat at a Michelin starred restaurant
Fly first classWin an award
Have childrenDrink champagne on a yacht
Go for more walksFind a fulfilling career
Get a nose jobLearn to speak French
Meet your heroRide a motorcycle
Quit smokingBuild your own website
Learn to play bassFind a cure for something
Read all the books you ownSing in public
Own your own houseStart yoga classes
Train your dogGraduate from university
Be debt freeTake up photography
Fly a kiteLearn how to dance
Scuba diveBe medication free
Climb a rock wallHike in Nepal
Learn karateGet a PhD
Write musicWrite songs
Complete an IronmanGet an A in something
Do 100 situps a dayLearn origami
Hang glideDouble your salary
Tidy the garage (once and for all!)Learn how to fly
Stop procrastinatingGet a new job
DecorateStay in a five-star hotel
Be happy 

There must be something in there to get you started.

If you haven’t done your list yet and you are reading ahead then can I urge you to stop for a moment and write your list now. Don’t ask ‘how?’ just yet. It’s more important to get your list written down.

Then go through each item and do the following:

  • Ask yourself: ‘Is this really what I want or was I just in brainstorm mode?’
  • Then ask: ‘Is this a short, medium or long-term goal?’
  • Choose five items from each goal category then read the following chapters on how to achieve them.

If you have done the task – and I trust you have (you wouldn’t have just kept on reading without doing a life-changing exercise, would you?) – then you have joined a very small percentage of the population who actually know some of what they want and have taken the time to record it.


When a plane leaves Singapore for Los Angeles on the world’s current longest, non-stop flight, it arrives safely because the pilots know exactly where they are going. Due to high winds and external pressures, they can be flying in the wrong direction (off the flight path) for up to 90% of the time but because they know their final destination they will always get there.

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