2.8 Normal Subgroups

1. a. H = {1, a6, b, ba6} is a subgroup because


It is not normal in D4 because Ha = {a, a7, ba, ba7} while aH = {a, a7, ba11, ba5}.
c. This is closed because a2b = ba10, a4b = ba8, a6b = ba6; (bak)2 = 1 for each k. Hence H is a subgroup. It is normal, being of index 2.
3. A4 has no subgroup of order 6 [Exercise 34 §2.6] so the only subgroups (normal or not) have order 1, 2, 3 or 4. If img, it contains no 3-cycle and so equals K. Thus K A4 being unique of its order. If img, let H =img (1, 2, 3) img without loss of generality. But (1 4)−1(1 2 3)(1 4) = (2 3 4) shows H is not normal. Finally img without loss of generality. But (1 3)−1(1 2)(1 3) = (2 3) shows H is not normal.
5. First aKa−1 is a subgroup, by Theorem 5 §2.3, and aKa−1aHa−1H because H G. If h img H, we must show h(aKa−1)h−1aKa−1. We have h−1Kh = K because K H, so


because K G.
7. Let H = {1, h}. Given g img G, we have g−1hg img H because H G. But g−1hg ≠ 1 because h ≠ 1, so g−1hg = h. Thus hg = gh for all g img G; that is h img Z(G). If H = {1, a, a2} ⊆ D3 = {1, a, a2, b, ba, ba2} then H D3 but Z(D3) = {1}.
9. (1, 1) img D, (g, g)−1 = (g−1, g−1) img D; (g, g)(g1, g1) = (gg1, gg1) img D. So D is always a subgroup of G × G. If G is abelian, then G × G is abelian so every subgroup is normal. Conversely, if D is normal, let g, a img G. Then (a, g)−1(g, g)(a, g) img D, that is (a−1ga, g) img D. This means a−1ga = g, so ga = ag. Hence G is abelian.
11. Let H and K be subgroups of G with img and img. Then HK = {1} by Lagrange's theorem. Moreover H G because it is unique of its order, and similarly K G. Hence GH × K by Corollary 2 of Theorem 6. Since p and q are primes, H and K are cyclic of relatively prime orders. Hence H × K is cyclic by Exercise 25 §2.4.
13. a. Let g img G, h img H. Write img, xi img X, img. Then


so it suffices to show xkhxk img H for all x img X, img. But then xkhxk = (xhx−1)k img H because xhx−1 img H by hypothesis. The converse is clear.
15. a. Since aK, KaK, so Ka = GnK (because img). Similarly b−1K gives Kb−1 = GK. Thus Ka = Kb−1, so ab img K.
17. a. If H =img ad img, d img n, let n = md. Since bak is selfinverse for all k, we have


19. Assume that HKKH. If g img KH, say g = kh, then g−1 = h−1k−1 img HKKH. If g−1 = k1h1, then img proving that KHHK. Hence HK = KH and Lemma 2 applies.
21. img always holds because img is a subgroup containing H and K. But HK is itself a subgroup (Lemma 2) and contains H and K, so img
23. a. Let Dn = {1, a, a2, . . ., an−1, b, ba, ba2, . . ., ban−1} where o(a) = n, o(b) = 2 and aba = b. If n = 2m, let H = {1, am}. We have amb = banm = bam , so HZ(Dn). Thus H Dn. Let K = {1, a2, a4, . . ., an−2, b, ba2, . . ., ban−2}. We have o(a2) = m, o(b) = 2, and a2ba2 = a(aba)a = aba = b. Thus KDm. Moreover, K Dn because it is of index 2. But then we have GH × KC2 × Dm by Corollary 2 of Theorem 6 since


a. If H is characteristic in G then aHa−1 = σa(H) ⊆ H where σa is the inner automorphism.
c. Let G =img a img × img a img where o(a) = 2, and define σ : GG by σ(x, y) = (y, x). It is easy to verify that σ is an automorphism of G and, if H = img (a, 1) img = {(1, 1), (a, 1)}, then H G, but σ(H) img H, so H is not characteristic in G.
3. If a img G, let σa : GG denote the inner automorphism. Then σa(K) = K because K G, so σa : KK is an automorphism of K. Hence σa(H) = H because H is characteristic in K, that is aHa−1 = H.
g. If G =img a img and H =img am img, let σ img aut G and let σ(a) = an. If h = amk img H, then σ(h) = [σ(a)]mk = anmk = (ank)m img H. Thus σ(H) ⊆ H. If G is finite it is easier: σ(H) is a subgroup of G of the same order as H so (Theorem 7 §2.4) σ(H) = H. It fails if G is abelian by (c).
i. Clearly K ⊆ 1G(H) = H. If τ img aut G, then Kτ−1σ(H) for all σ img aut G by the definition of K, so τ(K) ⊆ σ(H) for all σ. Thus τ(K) ⊆ K. Similarly, τ−1(K) ⊆ K, so Kτ(K). Thus K = τ(K) and K is characteristic. Finally, let CH, C a characteristic subgroup of G. If σ img aut G, then C = σ(C) ⊆ σ(H), so CK by the definition of K.
a. We have 1 img N(X) because 1X1−1 = X. If a, b img N(X), then we have aXa−1 = X = bXb−1. Thus a−1 img N(X) because


and ab img N(X) because (ab)X(ab)−1 = a[bXb−1]a−1 = a[X]a−1 = X. Hence N(X) is a subgroup of G.
c. Suppose K is a subgroup of G and H K. If k img K, then k−1Hk = H by Theorem 3, so k img N(H). Thus KN(H).
a. Write K = core H = ∩ aaHa−1. Clearly 1 img K. If g, g1 img K, then gg1 img aHa−1 for all a, so gg1 img K. Also, g−1 img a−1H(a−1)−1 for all a, so g img aHa−1 and g img K. Hence K is a subgroup. If g img G and k img K then gkg−1 img g[(g−1a)H(g−1a)−1]g−1 = aHa−1 for all a, as required.
c. core HKHKH and core HK G gives


Similarly, core (HK) ⊆ core K, so core (HK) ⊆ core Hcore K. On the other hand, core HH and core KK gives core Hcore Kcore HK. Since core Hcore K G, this gives core Hcore Kcore (HK).
a. First, img is a subgroup of G. If img and XN G, then 1 img H and the fact that g, g1 img N implies that g−1 img N and gg1 img N. Thus img, so img is a subgroup. But if a img G and img then we have aga−1 img aNa−1 = N for all N G, XN, so img. Thus img for all a img G, so img. Clearly img.
c. img so img. If G = S3, H = {ε, σ, σ2} and K = {ε, τ}, then img, img, so img.
28. a. If c, c1 img C(X), then (cc1)x = c(c1x) = c(xc1) = (cx)c1 = xcc1, for all x img X, so cc1 img C(X). Since cx = xc for all x img X, it follows that xc−1 = c−1x; that is c−1 img C(X). Finally, 1 img C(X) is clear.
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