Web application vulnerability scanners

Vulnerability scanners suffer the common shortcomings of all scanners (a scanner can only detect the signature of a known vulnerability; they cannot determine if the vulnerability can actually be exploited; there is a high incidence of false-positive reports). Furthermore, web vulnerability scanners cannot identify complex errors in business logic, and they do not accurately simulate the complex chained attacks used by hackers.

In an effort to increase reliability, most penetration testers use multiple tools to scan web services; when multiple tools report that a particular vulnerability may exist, this consensus will direct the tester to areas that may require manually verifying the findings.

Kali comes with an extensive number of vulnerability scanners for web services, and provides a stable platform for installing new scanners and extending their capabilities. This allows penetration testers to increase the effectiveness of testing by selecting scanning tools that do the following:

  • Maximize the completeness (the total number of vulnerabilities that are identified) and accuracy (the vulnerabilities that are real and not false-positive results) of testing.
  • Minimize the time required to obtain usable results.
  • Minimize the negative impacts on the web services being tested. This can include slowing down the system due to an increase of traffic throughput. For example, one of the most common negative effects is a result of testing forms that input data to a database, and then emailing an individual providing an update of the change that has been made; uncontrolled testing of such forms can result in more than 30,000 emails being sent!

There is significant complexity in choosing the most effective tool. In addition to the factors already listed, some vulnerability scanners will also launch the appropriate exploit and support post-exploit activities. For our purposes, we will consider all tools that scan for exploitable weaknesses to be vulnerability scanners. Kali provides access to several different vulnerability scanners, including the following:

  • Scanners that extend the functionality of traditional vulnerability scanners to include websites and associated services (for example, the Metasploit framework and Websploit)
  • Scanners that extend the functionality of non-traditional applications, such as web browsers, to support web service vulnerability scanning (OWASP Mantra)
  • Scanners that are specifically developed to support reconnaissance and exploit detection in websites and web services (Arachnid, Nikto, Skipfish, Vega, w3af, and so on)
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