Wireless Attacks

With the dominance of mobile devices, the adoption of Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) in companies, and the need to provide instant network connectivity, wireless networks have become the ubiquitous access point to the internet. Unfortunately, the convenience of wireless access is accompanied with an increase in effective attacks that result in the theft of data and unauthorized access, as well as the denial of service of network resources. Kali provides several tools to configure and launch these wireless attacks, allowing organizations to improve security.

In this chapter, we will examine several housekeeping tasks and wireless attacks, including the following topics:

  • Configuring Kali for wireless attacks
  • Wireless reconnaissance
  • Bypassing a hidden Service Set Identifier (SSID)
  • Bypassing the MAC address authentication and open authentication
  • Compromising WPA/WPA2 encryption and performing Man-in-The-Middle (MiTM) attacks
  • Attacking wireless routers with Reaver
  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks against wireless communication
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