
OSRFramework is a tool designed by i3visio in order to perform open source threat intelligence as a web interface, and with consoles as OSRFConsole. This tool can be installed directly through pip by running the pip install osrframework command.

OSRFramework provides threat intelligence about keywords in multiple sources, and also provides the flexibility to be a standalone tool, or a plugin to Maltego. There are three handy modules that come with OSRFramework, which can be utilized by penetration testers during an external threat intelligence data collection:

  • usufy: This is used to search on multiple search engines, to identify the keywords in the URL, and to automatically enumerate and store all the results in .csv format. The following screenshot provides the output of cyberhia as a keyword to usufy:
usufy -n cyberhia

  • searchfy: Search for the keyword in Facebook, GitHub, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. The following command can be used to query cyberhia as a keyword to searchfy:
searchfy -q "cyberhia"
  • mailfy: Identify the keyword and add the email domains to the end of the keyword, and automatically search in haveibeenpawned.com with an API call:
mailfy -n cyberhia
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