Optimizing for keywords

Once you know which words are most popular and which keywords have the least competition, you can use that terminology throughout the site. You can use it in your product descriptions, blog posts, URLs, downloads, tag lines, page titles, and so on.

As an example, I might do research and find that two-player games are more popular than games for couples. I should then weave two-player games into the body section, into blog posts, into image alt tags, and maybe even into product titles and I should try to avoid using games for couples

You don't want to spam your site. It should always sound natural if you read it out loud, but instead of using whatever sounds good at the time, you want to use a keyword so search engines know what your site is about and will show it on the Search Engines Results Page (SERP).

There are entire books written about SEO, but this is a quick overview that should help you in getting started with optimizing your site for search engines. As with most marketing strategies, there's always more you can do, but this should help you appear in search engines and get your first free visitors.

Next up is a strategy we can use to help us make sure we organize our site to bring in the traffic from search engines.

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