Creating a plugin

To get started, we need to create the plugin files. Plugins are typically stored in the WordPress filesystem under wp-content/plugins/{your-plugin}.

There are two ways of creating plugin files:

  • Use a single plugin file that contains the entire plugin.
  • Use a folder with multiple plugin files.

Almost all modern plugins use multiple files, so we're going to create a folder for our plugin. Follow the steps given here:

  1. Under /wp-content/plugins/, add a folder for your plugin. I'm going to call mine woocommerce-example-plugin:

  1. Navigate inside of that folder and create a file with the same name. I'll call mine woocommerce-example-plugin.php. This will be the main file for the plugin.
  2. Open up your main plugin file in a code editor such as Sublime Text, Atom, or Notepad ++.
  3. Add the following plugin header information ( This information is displayed in your WordPress backend:
Plugin Name: WooCommerce Example Plugin
Plugin URI:
Description: A wrapper plugin for our custom WooCommerce
Version: 1.0
Author: Patrick Rauland
Author URI:
License: GPL2
License URI:
Text Domain: woocommerce-example-plugin
Domain Path: /languages
  1. Save the file.

If we stopped right now we'd have a completely valid plugin that would show up in the backend of WordPress, but it wouldn't do anything. Let's program our plugin so it only runs when WooCommerce is active.

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