I need to start this book by saying thank you to everyone who believed in me. I've been fortunate to work at WooThemes, where they trusted me with WooCommerce; I've worked at Automattic and helped shape Woo from within a much larger company; and I also need to acknowledge LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com), where I first learned HTML and then began to teach e-commerce courses, including a few on WooCommerce. Thank you to all of my bosses and colleagues who believed in me, and helped me go above and beyond!
My family has always been supportive and nurturing. Thank you, mom and dad, for building an incredibly steady place to jump off from. You gave me the best leg up anyone could ask for. And even when projects didn't go well, you were there. To my partner, Ren – thank you for allowing me to sneak away on a weekend and write for a few hours. Time is important to both of us so I appreciate every second you give me for my projects, including this book. 
– Patrick Rauland
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