Managing and Maintaining the Server

Many of your responsibilities as the project server administrator have you doing specialized activities related to project management, for example, setting project-related permissions, creating custom fields and calendars, setting up the enterprise resource pool, customizing views, and so on. But you have regular system administrator responsibilities as well. Table 21-2 lists these responsibilities along with the links on the Server Settings page that will help you carry them out.

Table 21-2. System Administrator Responsibilities

To do this...

On the Server Settings page...

View the current status of queued jobs, for example, project check-in, proposal creation, timesheet reporting, and status updates

Under Queue, click Manage Queue or Queue Settings

Maintain the database, cleaning up items that are no longer needed, for example, projects, activities, resources, or status report messages

Under Database Administration, click Delete Enterprise Objects

Back up selected items in the project server database, for example, projects, custom fields, enterprise global, and view definitions

Under Database Administration, click Administrative Backup

Schedule regular backups for selected items in the project server database, for example, the enterprise resource pool and calendars, system settings, and category and group settings

Under Database Administration, click Schedule Backup

Restore selected items that were backed up from the project server database, for example, projects, view definitions, and system settings

Under Database Administration, click Administrative Restore

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