Using Views to Report Project Information

Suppose that you’ve been tracking and managing your project for some time now by using the Gantt Chart, the Resource Sheet, and other Microsoft Project views. You can set up one of these views to contain exactly the fields of information you need and then print it to create a kind of interactive report. By printing views, you can share pertinent information with team members and stakeholders. You can include printed views in project status reports and in progress meetings.


Form views, such as the Task Form or Resource Form, cannot be printed. Neither can combination (split-screen) views. You can print one part of a split screen at a time, but if one part of the split screen is a form (such as Task Entry), the form portion is not printed.

Setting Up and Printing Views

To set up and print a view, follow these steps:

  1. Open the view and arrange the data as you want it to appear when printed.


    For more information about available views and arranging information in those views, see Chapter 4.

  2. Click File, Page Setup to display the Page Setup dialog box (see Figure 12-1).

    Use the Page Setup dialog box to set your margins, legend, headers, and more.

    Figure 12-1. Use the Page Setup dialog box to set your margins, legend, headers, and more.

  3. Specify the options you want for the printed view by using controls on the different tabs of this dialog box.

    You can adjust the view orientation, page scaling, margins, header and footer, and so on. When finished, click OK.

  4. On the Standard toolbar, click Print Preview.

    Use the Page Setup dialog box to set your margins, legend, headers, and more.

    Print Preview

    A picture of the view as it will be printed appears, reflecting your Page Setup options (see Figure 12-2).

    The Print Preview window shows the printable layout of the current view.

    Figure 12-2. The Print Preview window shows the printable layout of the current view.

  5. To make further adjustments to the print options, click Page Setup at the top of the Print Preview window.

  6. To make further adjustments to the view itself, click Close on the Print Preview toolbar and work in the view again.

  7. When finished with your adjustments, print the view by clicking Print on the Standard toolbar.

    The Print Preview window shows the printable layout of the current view.



Divided views, such as Task Usage, have a table on the left and the timephased information sheet on the right. Such divided views are not split screens, so you can print both sides of these views.

Getting Assistance from the Report Project Guide

Getting Assistance from the Report Project Guide


Use the Report Project Guide to help you set up key views presenting important progress and cost information. On the Project Guide toolbar, click Report. The Report pane appears.


If your Project Guide toolbar is not showing, click View, Toolbars, Project Guide. If the Project Guide toolbar is not listed on the Toolbars menu, click Tools, Options, Interface and then select the Display Project Guide check box.

The Report Project Guide includes steps and controls for setting up your project to view specific types of information, such as critical tasks, risks and issues, resource allocation, project costs, and so on.

The Report Project Guide focuses on view setup and printing options. Click the Print Current View As A Report link to start the Print Current View Wizard. This wizard provides options for printing the current view, with optimum print spacing and scaling (see Figure 12-3).

Use the Print Current View Wizard to set options for printing the current view.

Figure 12-3. Use the Print Current View Wizard to set options for printing the current view.


For more information about the Project Guide, see the section titled Working with the Project Guide in Chapter 1.

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