
As you can see, Gradebook is a complex and extremely useful system, but it is not the most user-friendly one around. The ability to instantly access student grades can be very useful in helping students where they need it. Offering feedback via Gradebook can also add to learning by pointing out where the student excelled, went astray, or giving them additional feedback outside of the assignment itself.

In addition to you having access to their grades, students having constant access to their own grades can be beneficial as well. Students performing at a higher level may receive some beneficial backwash from the process. Students falling into a lower bracket may be inclined to approach the instructor or classmates to find out where they are going wrong.

The reporting features available in Gradebook, from grading simple assignments and forums to quizzes and tests, allow you to see the whole grade picture for each student in the class, in groups or as a whole in a complete, simple, or custom view. This is an invaluable tool in helping you see possible issues in instruction, materials, or any other issue that may have affected the students' work on the activity in question.

Categories and subcategories can help keep you organized, can help the students see where every assignment will impact their grades, and allow for instant feedback and/or changes, should they become necessary.

Gradebook is a powerful tool and something that, when used properly, will help you and your students track their progress and help you identify stronger or weaker members of the group.

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