
Image A

Accordion height

autoHeight feature, 535

autoHeight setting, 532, 533

div elements, 533

extra-high content element, 534

img elements, 532

incorrect height problems, 533

large height difference, 534535

parent element, 536537

resizing, 536

style element, 533

accordion method, 701702

activate method, 543544

active setting, 538541

active swatch, 799

activePage property, 785

additionalflowers.json, 439


advanced configuration settings

data conversion, 426

dataFilter setting, 424425

ifModified setting, 421423

JSON.stringify method, 425

statusCode setting, 423424

synchronous request, 421

asynchronous requests, 372

basic request configuration settings, 417

callback functions, 372

default settings, 427

errors, 557558

events handling

beforeSend setting, 411

complete setting, 409411

context setting, 413

error setting, 407409

event settings, 406

multiple event handling functions, 412

success function, 406407

expected data type specifying, 388390

filtering requests, 428429

forms plugin, 397398

GET request

button press response, 376377

class attribute, 374

example document, 373

example.html, 373

flowers.html, 373, 375

get method, 375, 377, 378

HTML fragment, 374

inline data, 376

load, getScript, and getJSON methods, 379

mydata.json, 377

preventDefault method, 377

response data processing, 375376

slice and appendTo method, 378

global events, 413417

jqXHR object, 402403

JSON data, 419420

low-level API, 400402

pitfall, 390391

POST request, 404405

cross-origin Ajax requests, 382383

form data submission, 383387

formserver.js, 381

node.js preparation, 380382

nonform data sending, 387388

total property, 382

spinner message, 559560

tab content, 553554

timeouts and headers, 418419

type-specific convenience methods

getScript method, 392394

HTML fragment, 391392

JSON data, 394397

myscript.js file, 392394

URL setting, 404

Ajax errors, 557558

Ajax spinner message, 559560

Ajax tab content, 553554

AjaxOptions setting, 555557

ajaxSetup method, 428439, 442

ajaxStart and ajaxStop methods, 414

Android SDK emulator, 755

animate method, 922924

append method, 159160

appendTo method, 165166

Apple Safari browser, 753

attr method, 785

autoOpen setting, 720

Image B

background-color properties, 58

basket elements, 716

bind method, 770

boolean values, 95

border property, 62

Border style, 65

Border width, 65

Browser event shorthand methods, 243244

bubbles property, 35

button method, 474

Button widgets

automatic creation

element types, 806807

prevention, 807808


buttons events, 809811

data attributes, 808

from other elements, 808809

icons addition, 811813

inline buttons, 813814

grouped buttons, 814817

buttonDiv element, 716

buttonset method, 491493

Image C

cancelable property, 35

Carousel event handler functions, 285287

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 37

browser display, 3738

embedded style

anatomy, 41

attribute, 40

complex set, 4243

effect, 42

head element, 41

h2 element, 41

h1 selector, 43

selectors, 41

external style sheet, 4345

HTML document, 37

inline value, 3940

properties, 3839


attribute, 4647

core selectors, 45

pseudo-element and pseudo-class selectors, 4951

relationship, 4749

unions and negation, 5253

shorthand properties and custom values, 6466

style cascading

author styles, 54

browser styles, 53, 54

color property, 54

embedded styles, 53

external styles, 53

inline styles, 53

specificity and order assessments, 5558

tweaking, important styles, 5455

user styles, 53, 54


absolute lengths, 60

colors, 5860

font-size property, 60

percentages, 64

pixels, 6263

properties and values, 58

relative lengths, 6162

change event, 544546

changePage method, 778779, 797

bind method, 779

load dialog, 782784

transition effect direction, 780782

ui-grid-a, ui-block-a, and ui-block-b classes, 779

changestart event, 544546

changing icons, 541542

children method, 156

class attribute, 46

Client-side validation, 338

clone method, 156, 157

Cloning elements, 156157

close methods, 523524

Collapsible content blocks

accordions creation, 825826

collapse and expand events, 821823

data attributes, 818

programmatic control, 823824

single collapsible block

configuration, 819821

creation, 817818

expansion, 818

color property, 119

Content distribution networks (CDNs), 102, 474475, 730

Content elements

elements with external resources, 2526

forms and inputs, 2325

semantic/presentation divide, 2123

structural elements, 25

countImgElements function, 107

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), 383

cycleEffects function, 270

Image D

Data templates

conditional templates

conditional statements, 315

{{else}} tag, 313314

flowerTmpl template, 312

{{if}} and {{/if}} tags, 311

in-stock items, 313

stocklevel property, 312

template rendering, 313

elements creation, 294295

first data templates example

appendTo method, 299

definition, 298299

div elements, 299

expressions evaluation, 302303

flower data definition, 298

inline data, 297

remote data, 297

script element, 296

tmpl method, 299

tweaking, 300302

HTML encoding, 318320

iteration control

{{each}} template tag, 315316

expression, 317318

$index variable, 316

$value variable, 316

jQuery templates library, 295296


data item rendering, 320321

data modification, 323325

flowerTmpl template, 321

handleMouse function, 321, 323

mouseenter method, 321

template item object properties, 322

tmpl property, 322

update method, 323

nested templates, 307309

array, 309310

data formatting, 311

flowerTmpl, 308

inline data refactoring, 310311

inputTmpl template, 308

rowid, 310

rowTmpl template, 310

{{tmpl}} tag, 309

template variables

data variable, 304

discount property, 307

$item variable, 306307

jQuery $ function, 305306

stockDisplay function, 307

data-ajax attribute, 830

dataFilters, 462

data-native-menu attribute, 840

data-overlay-theme attribute, 840

data-placeholder attribute, 841

data-role attribute, 843844

data-theme attribute, 799, 800

dayOfWeek object, 79

dcell class, 48

defaultPrevented property, 35

Deferred objects, 939

Ajax, 966969

always method, 953956

callbacks with long-lived task, 942943

chaining method, 953

click handler function, 961

click method, 941

$.Deferred method, 941

definition, 939

displayMessage function, 941

DOM changes, 962963

done method, 941942

example, 940941

fail method, 950, 952

for loop, 951

multiple callbacks, 956958

notify method, 960, 961

performLongTask function, 943945

progress method, 960961

Deferred objects (cont.)

registering callbacks, 949

reject method, 950952

resolve method, 942

setTimeout function, 944, 945, 961

state method, 964966

table element, 941

then method, 953

tidying up, 946949

when method, 958959

destroy method, 485486

detach method, 182183

dialog method, 719

doAnimation function, 268

Document event shorthand methods, 243

Document Object Model (DOM), 153

child and descendant elements insertion

append method, 159160

appendTo method, 165166

different positions, 163165

methods, 158

prepend method, 160162

with function, 166167

wrapInner method, 159

$(document).ready approach, 107

document variable, 106

element creation

API, 157158

cloning elements, 156157

$ function, 154156

elements removal

detach method, 182183

empty method, 183184

remove method, 180182

unwrap method, 184185

using selector, 181

elements searching, 3031

events handling, 3335

function omission, 106107

getElementsByTagName method, 31

HTMLElement properties, 29

img elements, 31

JavaScript, 29

modification, 3132


across the hierarchy, 147

ancestor selection, 142144

children and find methods, 138139

down the hierarchy, 138

first matching ancestor (see First matching ancestor)

intersection creation, 140

nextAll and prevAll methods, 149150

overlapping descendants, 139

parent elements, 141142

sibling elements, 148149

siblings method, 148

up the hierarchy, 141


array, 115116

creation, 114115

events handling, 121

function, 116

index method, 116118

multiple elements and chaining method, 118120

parent and ancestor elements insertion

dynamic wrapping, 173

wrapAll method, 170171

wrapInner method, 172173

wrap method, 168169

programming language, 27

ready event, 108109

ready method, 106

replacing elements

replaceWith and replaceAll methods, 178179

using function, 179180

script element, 31, 106

sibling elements insertion

before and after methods, 175176

insertAfter and insertBefore methods, 176

with function, 177

styles modification, 3233

tagName and src properties, 31

document2.html file, 786

document2.html page, 790

document.querySelectorAll method, 120

Drag and drop tuning

accept setting, 664

grouping draggable and droppable elements, 666

helper element

draggable and droppable elements, 667

helper function and uses, 668

large draggable element, 666667

manipulation, 669

over and out events, 669

property, 669

setting, 668

snapMode setting, 671

snap setting, 670671

snapTolerance setting, 671

ui.helper property, 669

scope setting, 664666

Draggable interaction

browser window, 643


axis setting, 644646

delay and distance settings, 649650

grid setting, 648649

methods, 650651

region setting, 646648

start and stop events, 651652

events, 651652

HTML and CSS, 643

simple demonstration, 642643

Droppable interaction

acceptable elements, 657659

activate and deactivate events, 654655

activeClass and hoverClass settings, 659660

basic element, 653

drag and drop, 654

events, 652

fit and touch settings, 661662

fit and touch values, 662

methods, 663664

over and out events, 655656

settings, 656, 657

text method, 654

tolerance values, 661

Image E

Element selection, 123

andSelf method, 136137

DOM navigation (see Element selection:Document Object Model, navigation)

end method, 134136

expansion, 124126

filter method, 127

filtering elements, 129132

mapping, 133134


descendants, 132133

range, 128129

specific element, 127128

testing, 134135

empty method, 183184

Error cue class, 937, 938

Event handling

bind method, 224226

border and opacity properties, 226

CSS border property, 229

default action suppressing, 230231 property, 229

event handler function removing, 231233

jQuery event object members, 226227

methods, 224

mouseenter and mouseout events, 226

multiple event types, 227229

one method, 233

event setting, 538

Event shorthand methods

bind method, 242

browser event shorthand methods, 243244

document event shorthand methods, 243

form event shorthand methods, 245

function argument, 241

keyboard event shorthand methods, 246

mouse event shorthand methods, 244245

trigger method, 242243

Example document

additional flower products adding, 279280

basic document, 277279

carousel buttons adding, 281283

carousel event handler functions, 285287

JavaScript disabling, 290

product selection total, 288289

submit button, 283285

Extended colors, 59

Image F

fade effect, 770

fieldcontainer, 832

fieldcontrol div elements, 835

fieldset element, 847

fillSpace setting, 536

Firefox Mobile Emulator, 756757

First matching ancestor

closest method, 144

closest method with reference objects, 145

closest positioned ancestor, 145, 146

offsetParent method, 145146

flip effect, 768

Flip switches, 843844

Floating-point numbers, 73

font-size property, 119

Form event shorthand methods, 245

formserver.js, 436

Image G

get method, 442

getElementsByTagName, 120

getJSON method, 442, 966, 968

Grouped buttons, 814817

Image H

has method, 132133

header and headerSelected properties, 541

height property, 62

Highlight cue class, 935937

holdReady method, 108109

HTML, 13


class attribute, 17

definition, 1516

id Attribute, 1617

name and value, 16

snowdrop, 16

basic document, 1315

document structure

basic structure, 18

DOCTYPE element, 18

elements with external resources, 2526

forms and inputs, 2325

HTML elements, 1819

script element, 20

semantic/presentation divide, 2123

structural elements, 25

style element, 21

DOM (see Document Object Model)

element anatomy, 15

element content, 17

element hierarchy

ancestor-descendant relationships, 28

body element, 26

parent-child relationships, 27

parts, 27

sibling relationships, 28

form event methods, 332333

form focus, 333334

form submission, 336337

jQuery form-event methods, 332

value changes, 335

form values validation

addClassRules method, 345

additional-methods.js, 344

attribute and name validation, 353356

custom check creation, 358361

element attribute, 352353

element name attribute, 351352

form validation plugin, 338340

JavaScript file, 340341

max check, 350

multiple checks, 344347

per-element validation, 356357

plugin checks, 343344

remote validation, 344

Rose product, 346

rules method, 347349

stocklevel property, 350

tailoring checks, 349350

validate method, 341

validation error display, 361364

validation rules, 341343

validation summary, 364368

node.js server

action attribute, 330

example document, 329330

input elements, 331

JavaScript, 328

Place Order button, 331

response, 332

server-side script, 328

void elements, 18

HTML5, 340

HTML5 data attributes, 220221

HTMLElement object, 112

Image I

id attribute, 46

Image opacity, 103, 104

img elements, 107

Individual border properties, 66

Inline buttons, 813814

insertAfter and insertBefore methods, 176

Inset lists, 859860

Integer, 73

Interaction state classes, 934935

iPhone, 752

is method, 134135

Image J

JavaScript, 67


built-in array methods, 9091

contents reading and modification, 8990

contentsenumeration, 90

creation and population, 88

literal, 8889

myArray, 88

new Array(), 88

error handling, 9192

external script, 67


code block, 70

definition, 6970

parameters, 7071

return results, 71

Google Chrome console, 68

inline script, 6768


creation, 7475

literals, 75

methods, 7576

properties enumeration, 7778

properties reading and modification, 7677

property addition, 7879

property deletion, 7980

property determination, 80

operators, 80

conditional statements, 8182

equality vs. identity operator, 8285

numbers to strings conversion, 8687

string concatentation, 85

strings to numbers conversion, 8788

statements, 6869

syntax and style, 68

undefined and null values, 9396

variables and types

Booleans, 73

local and global variables, 72

numbers, 7374

strings, 73

jQuery, 3, 99

animations, enabling and disabling, 275276

arbitrary element data, 218219

attributes and properties, 188

attr method, 188

attribute value, reading, 189190

attribute value, setting, 190191

attribute values with function, 193

HTMLElement object, 190

img elements, 190

multiple attributes, 191192

output, 190

prop method, 194195

removeAttr method, 194

src attribute, 190

basic effects methods, 248

callback function, 255257

CDN, 102


addClass method, 196

adding and removing, 197199

all classes toggling, 203204

blueBorder class, 196

border property, 201

doToggle, 200

dynamic toggling, 205206

hasClass method, 196

img elements, 196

methods, 195196

multiple classes toggling, 202

output, 197

preventDefault method, 200

redBorder class, 196, 200

removeClass method, 196

style declaration matching, 201

style element, 196

toggleClass method, 199200

toggle direction, 204205


font-size property, 207

method, 206

multiple properties, setting, 207208

property values setting, 209, 210

property-specific convenience method, 210212

relative values setting, 208, 209

style attribute, 206

custom effects

absolute target property values, 265266

custom animation, 264265

form element, 265

height and width properties, 265

methods, 263, 264

relative target property values, 266267

jQuery, custom effects (cont.)

z-index property, 265

data and Ajax, 4

dcell class, 250

DOM, 3 (see also Document Object Model)

effect queue

creation, 267

custom function, 274, 275

cycleEffects function, 268

delay method, 272273

item display, 268270

methods, 267

stopping and clearing, 270272

element content

div.dcell selector, 213

html method, 213, 214

methods, 213

setting, 213215

text method, 213

element selection

extension selectors, 109111

img elements, 109

narrowing with context, 111112

odd img elements, 109

odd pseudo-selector, 109

element visibility animation, 253255

event trigger method, 562563

example code, 7

example document, 56

fade effects, 260

fadeOut, fadeIn, and fadeToggle methods, 261

showing and hiding elements, 261

specific opacity, 262263

features, 4, 5

first script, 102104

form elements, 215218

form-event methods, 332337

$ function, 104106

hide element, 250

HTML editor, 9

image attribution, 11

JavaScript and CSS, 4

jQuery Mobile, 3, 5

jQuery UI, 34

library, 4, 8

looping effects, 257

Node.js, 911

partial listing, 7

plugins, 4

selection result

context, 113114

jQuery object, 112113

selector property, 113

setting up

flower shop example document, 100101

jQuery-1.7.js, 101

jquery.1.7.min.js, 101

styles.css, 101

show and hide methods, 249250

slide effects, 259260

toggle method, 251252

:visible and :hidden selectors, 251

web browser, 9

web server, 9

jQuery Ajax event methods, 414

jQuery Mobile, 729, 827

A-grade support, 732

automatic enhancement

custom JavaScript, 735

data-role attributes, 733735

example document, 732, 733

Opera Mobile browser emulator, 733

resolution, 733

script element, 732

body element, 731

button addition, 891894

CDNs, 730

check boxes

creation, 845846

grouping, 847849

label, 846847

checkout process implementation, 894899

data-ajax attribute, 830

device orientation changes

media queries, 749750

response, 748, 749

span element, 748, 749


close button, 793794

data-rel attribute, 791, 792

navigation link, 795796

page, 792793

programmatic closing and opening, 796798

example.html contents, 731

form element and form-related child elements, 829

guidelines, 827

initial document, 875877

jquery-1.6.4.js file, 730, 730


div element, 830

fieldcontain, 830

fieldcontain cutoff point, 831833

hiding, 833837

portrait orientation, 830, 831

link element, 731

list widgets (see List widgets)

meta element, 731

mobile devices

Android emulator, 755

avoiding bad assumptions, 751753

desktop browsers, 759

Firefox Mobile emulator, 756757

identification, 751

iPhone emulator, 755

Multi-Browser Viewer, 757, 758

Opera mobile emulator, 756

two cardinal sins, 751

unrealistic simulation and testing, 753755

Windows Phone 7 emulator, 758759

pageinit event, 737738

pages (see Pages and navigation)

programmatic product insertion

data.json file, 877878

JavaScript code, 879

list items and pages, 880

page addition, 878879

reusing pages, 880883

quantity changes

input elements, 890, 891

range slider addition, 887890

radio buttons, 849851

range sliders, 851852

script elements, 731

select elements, 837839

custom selection menus, 839840

data attributes, 839

flip switches, 843844

placeholder elements, 841

programmatic menus control, 842843

shopping basket

implementation, 883886

simple basket, 886

text input and textarea, 829


creation, 730

grid layouts, 802803

swatches, 798802

ThemeRoller application, 798

touch events

gesture methods, 742745

mousedown event, 741

mouseup event, 741

standard, 739

and synthesized mouse events, 739741

touchend event, 741

touchstart event, 741

virtual mouse events, 745748

viewport, 735737

jQuery UI, 469

accordion widgets

active header selection, 538541

creation, 528531

events, 544547

event type, 538

height (see Accordion height)

methods, 542544

settings, 532

autocomplete widgets

configuration methods, 522525

default select action, 527528

input element, 514515

object array, 516517

remote data source (see Remote data source)

selected item details, 526527

settings, 517

source setting, 515

ui-widget class, 516

button, 485

custom image, 484

disabled setting, 481482

enable and disable methods, 486487

events, 488

HTML document, 479

icons, 482484

label setting, 481

map object, 481

option argument with map object, 482

refresh method, 487488

set, 491493

settings properties, 480481

standard buttons, 488489

toggle button, 489490

widget removal, 485, 486


development, 472474

production, 474475

progress bar

jQuery UI, progress bar (cont.)

animation, 496498

creation, 494495

determinate tasks, 493

events, 498500

indeterminate task, 493

methods, 495496


animation, 504505

creation, 501

events, 509511

methods, 507509

orientation, 502504

range slider, 505506

settings, 501502

tabs configuration

Ajax errors, 557558

Ajax requests, 555557

Ajax spinner message, 559560

ajaxOptions, 555

cache, 555

collapsible, 555

collapsible tabs, 563, 564

disabled, 555

disabling individual tabs, 560562

event, 555

event trigger, 562563

fx, 555

panelTemplate, 555

selected, 555

spinner, 555

tabTemplate, 555


custom download, 471472

gallery, 470, 471

Sunny theme, 471

ThemeRoller page, 470

UI lightness, 471

jQuery UI datepicker widget

accordion methods, 611

basic datepicker settings

altField, 592

altField setting, 594595

buttonImage, 592

buttonImageOnly, 592

buttonText, 592

buttonText setting, 596597

default date, 592594

disabled, 592

image instead of a button, 597

image rather than a button, 596597

showOn, 592

showOn setting, 595

controlling appearance

appendText, 605

appendText setting, 610

bleed between months, 607, 608

button bar, 609

closeText, 605

currentText, 605

currentText and closeText settings, 608

displaying weeks, 606607

duration, 605

gotoCurrent, 606

gotoCurrent setting, 609

HTML5 placeholder attribute, 610, 611

selectOtherMonths, 606

showAnim, 606

showButtonBar setting, 608

showButtonPanel, 606

showOptions, 606

showOtherMonths, 606

showWeek, 606

weekHeader, 606

events, 615617

getDate and setDate methods, 612613

inline datepicker, 590591

localizing date selection, 617619

managing date selection

applying basic constraints, 598599

changeMonth, 597

changeYear, 597

constrainInput, 598

constrainInput setting, 598

defaultDate setting, 601

delay window creation, 600

grid of months, 602

maxDate, 598

minDate, 598

minDate and maxDate settings, 599, 600

months and years, direct access, 604605

multimonth datepicker, 603, 604

numberOfMonths, 598

numberOfMonths setting, 601602

open-ended date selection range, 601

pop-up datepicker, 603

showCurrentAtPos, 598

showCurrentAtPos setting, 603

showOn setting, 598

stepMonths, 598

user restriction, 599, 600

yearRange, 598

onChangeMonthYear event, 615616

onClose event, 616

pop-up closing, 616617

pop-up datepicker, 588589

show and hide methods, 613614

jQuery UI dialog widget

beforeClose event, 636

changing sizes and positions, 638639

close event, 637

create event, 636

dialog box

adding buttons, 628, 629

autoOpen setting, 624

basic appearance, 626, 627

buttons setting, 625

closeOnEscape setting, 625

creation, 622

custom title and no resize drag handle, 626, 627

deferring,appearance, 623, 624

dialog method, 622, 623

div element, 622

draggable and stack settings, 629, 630

draggable setting, 625

height setting, 625

hide setting, 625

maxHeight setting, 625

maxWidth setting, 625

minHeight setting, 625

minWidth setting, 625

modal setting, 625

position setting, 625627

resizeable setting, 625

show setting, 625

simple dialog box, 622, 623

stack setting, 625

title setting, 625

width setting, 625

drag event, 636

dragStart event, 636

dragStop event, 636

focus event, 636

methods, 634636

modal dialog

capture input,user, 634

creation, 630, 631

display, 631, 632

displaying a form, 632633

input elements, 633

open and close methods, 631

open event, 636

preventing dialog,closing, 637638

resize event, 636

resizeStart event, 636

resizeStop event, 637

jQuery UI tabs events

add, 576

applying tab, 580581

button presses handling, 581

create, 576

disable, 576

enable, 576

form display, 577580

form validation

alert box, 584

preventDefault method, 584

select and show events, 584

show method, 583

user prevention, 582583

load, 576

preventDefault method, 581

remove, 576

select, 576

show, 576

ui object dispatched properties, 576

jQuery UI tabs methods

add and remove

Ajax requests, 570571

automatic cycling, 572574

automatically activating new tab, 567568

empty div element, 570

html method, 569

input and pair of button elements, 566

input element, 567

newly added static tab, 569

panel, 569

panelTemplate setting, 569

programmatically added static tabs, 570

programme, 565566

remove active tab button, 566

resuming tab cycling, 574575

static content, 568570

tabsElem.tabs(), 566

ui object, 568

URL changing, 571572

val method, 567

tabs("abort"), 565

tabs("add"), 564

tabs("destroy"), 564

tabs("disable"), 564

jQuery UI tabs methods (cont.)

tabs("enable"), 564

tabs("length"), 565

tabs("load"), 565

tabs("option"), 564

tabs("remove"), 564

tabs("rotate"), 565

tabs("select"), 564

tabs("url"), 565

jQuery utility methods, 903, 918


grep method, 908909

HTMLElement arrays, 908

inArray method, 909910

map method, 910911

merge method, 911912

unique method, 912913

contains method, 918

data, 915

parseJSON method, 916, 917

serializeArray method, 915, 916

trim method, 917

general-purpose queues, 904

clearQueue method, 904906

css method, 906

delay method, 906

dequeue method, 906

queue items, manual process, 906907

val method, 906

isFunction method, 913914

proxy function creation, 919

type method, 914915

working with types, 913 file, 731 file, 731

JsFiddle, 9

JSON.stringify method, 425

Image K

Keyboard event shorthand methods, 246

Image L

label elements, 119, 120

label property, 517, 527

lang attribute, 47, 48

legend element, 847

List widgets

basic list, 854855

filtering lists

custom filter function, 867868

data-filter attribute, 863865

enabling, 865866

touch keyboard, 866867


data attributes, 857

inset list, 859860

split lists, 860863

vanilla list items, 857859

formatting items

aside addition, 873874

count bubbles, 870871

data attributes, 868

list dividers, 869

text emphasis, 872873

page navigation, 856857

Live event binding

append methods, 234

automatically registering event handlers method, 234

bind method, 234

die method, 236

DOM traversal, 236237

live method, 235

loadingMessage property, 783

loadPage method, 785786

Image M

Manually invoking event handlers

event object, 239240

methods, 237

triggerHandler method, 240241

triggering, 238

map method, 133134

Metadata elements

script element, 20

style element, 21

Microsoft IIS 7.5, 331

Mobile Bandwidth, 752753

mobileinit event, 769770, 783

Mouse event shorthand methods, 244245

Multi-Browser Viewer, 757758, 94

Image N

newContent property, 546

Image O

oldContent property, 546

Opera Emulator, 838

Opera Mobile Emulator, 756

Order completion, 723725

orientationchange event, 748749, 835

orientationevent, 748749

Outcome-indifferent callbacks, 953956

Image P, Q

pagehide event, 790

Pages and navigation,

browser display, 763

control script

activatePage property, 784785

changePage method (see changePage method)

loadPage method, 785786

data-role attribute, 762


multiple jQuery Mobile pages, 766

navigate between pages, 766767

page transitions, 768770

events, 787

initialization, 787

pageload event, 788789

transition response, 789790

external pages

Ajax/Page ID issue, 773776

document2.html file, 771773

href attribute, 771

HTML document, 771772

prefetch, 776778

script and link elements, 773

headers and footers addition, 763764

CSS fix, 764765

degree of consistency, 766

meta element, 765

Opera Mobile, 765

viewport, 765

HTML document, 762

parents method, 142

parentsUntil Method, 143

parseJSON method, 462

performLongTasksync function, 948

Per-pixel accuracy, 754

placeholder attribute, 833

placeholder element, 722

pop effect, 769

prepend method, 160162

preventDefault function, 35, 386

primary icon, 483

printMessages method, 76

printQueue, 270

processServerResponse function, 386, 462

products property, 462

progress-animation.gif, 497

Image R

Radio buttons, 849851

Range slider, 505506, 851852

Real numbers, 73

Refactored example, 431434, 699

Ajax, 436439

completion dialog, 716720

example document, 699

form data submission browser, 454

form data submission click event, 453454

form data submission CSS and jQuery statements, 451452

form data submission disabled attribute, 453

form data submission HTML elements, 452

form data submission img element, 452

form data submission name attribute, 453

form data submission progress, 452

form data submission serialize method, 453

form data submission using Ajax, 448454

form validation, 442446

change event, 446

form element, 445

remote validation, 446448

when and then methods, 445446

getJSON method, 700, 702

jQuery UI button, 714716

Node.js script, 434436

place Order button click, 720723

product dispaly, 701702

product information sourcing, 439442

server response

Ajax request, 461463

date process, 462464

enhancement support document, 455460

new form addition, 460461

order summary, 455

shopping basket addition, 702704

Refactored example, shopping basket addition (cont.)

change event, 706

rows addition, 706, 707

rows deletion, 707708

rows updation, 708

table addition, 705

wrapping accordion, 704705

starting document, 700, 701

theme style

document header, 711

jQuery UI CSS framework style, 709, 710

rounded corner table, 711713

styles.css file, 710711

ui-widget-content class, 709

ui-widget-header, 709

wide framework styles, 710

Remote data source

function as data source, 521522

generated data, 518

minLength and delay settings, 520521

Node.js, 518519

remote server, 519, 520

term, 518

removeTableRow function, 707, 708, 713

replaceWith and replaceAll methods, 178179

Resizable interaction

alsoResize setting, 693

aspectRatio setting, 693

autoHide setting, 693

div elements, 692

drag handle to change, 693

ghost setting, 693

handles setting, 693

maxHeight setting, 693

maxWidth setting, 693

minHeight setting, 694

minWidth setting, 694

resizable method, 692


drag handles, 696

handles setting, 696697

resizable element size, 695696

resizing related elements, 694695

resize method, 542

Rounded corner classes, 932933

Image S

script element, 770

search methods, 542544

secondary icon, 483

Selectable interaction

cancel setting, 690

enabling multiple element selection, 689

events, 691

mouse selection, 689

settings, 690

ui.selecting class, 688, 689

sendOrder function, 719, 723

showErrors method, 463

showLoadMsg setting, 783

singlepage.html file, 776

slice method, 128

slide effect, 768

Sortable interaction

adding button,sort order, 676

cancel method, 684685

change and sort events, 687

connectToSortable setting, 679, 680

connectWith setting, 677679

dropOnEmpty setting, 677

empty space styling, 682683

events, 686

items setting, 677

placeholder setting, 678, 683

refresh method, 685686

serialize method, 676677

sortable class, 675

sortable items, 680682

sortable method, 674

sorted element order, 675

sorting item,dragging, 675

toArray method, 675

ui object properties, 686

Split lists, 860863

src attribute, 179, 180

styles.css file, 44

swiperight event, 781

switchClass method, 926927

Image T

Tab widget, 550552

tbody element, 713

thead element, 712, 713

tmpl method, 462

Image U

UI effects and CSS framework, 921, 927

animating classes, 924926

animating colors, 922924

cue classes

error cue, 937, 938

highlight class, 935937

interaction state classes, 934935

rounded corner classes, 932933

show and hide elements, 928929

standalone effects, 929930

widget container classes, 930931

ui-hidden-accessible class, 834

ui-hidden-class, 833

ui-hide-label class, 833, 835

ui.item object, 526

ui-progressbar class, 498

ui-progressbar-value class, 497

ui-widget-header class, 712

unwrap method, 184185

User agent styles, 53

Image V

value property, 516, 527

vclick event, 747

vertical-align property, 48

virtual events, 747

Virtual page, 735737

vmousedown event, 746

vmouseover event, 746

Image W, X, Y, Z

weather property, 94

Widget container classes, 930931

Widgets, 477, 513

jQuery UI accordion widgets (see jQuery UI, accordion widgets)

jQuery UI autocomplete widgets (see jQuery UI, autocomplete widgets)

jQuery UI button (see jQuery UI, button)

jQuery UI progress bar (see jQuery UI, progress bar)

jQuery UI slider (see jQuery UI, slider)

Width property, 63, 64

Windows Phone 7 emulator, 758759, 838

wrap method, 168169

wrapAll method, 170171

wrapInner method, 172173

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