Printing a Calendar

Outlook's calendar works best for those who sit at a desk all day long. Unfortunately, most of us leave the office often enough to make it impractical to look up each event on the PC. If you're not willing to synchronize with a handheld device, then do the next best thing and put your schedule on paper.

You can print Outlook calendars in a variety of styles and formats. What's the easiest way to keep the paper and electronic versions in sync? If you get in the habit of printing out a daily or weekly calendar, you can jot notes and record new or revised appointments on that printout. When you return to your desk, transfer the handwritten notes to Outlook so that they'll appear the next time you print out your calendar.

To print your schedule for one day or for multiple days, weeks, or months, first switch to the Calendar folder, and then follow these steps:

  1. If you plan to print one day, week, or month, select the corresponding view for the period.

  2. Click the Print button. Outlook displays the Print dialog box shown in Figure 11.15.

    Figure 11.15. Choose the Calendar Details Style option to print all the notes you've added for individual appointments and events on your calendar.

  3. Choose one of the five page formats from the Print Styles list:

    • Daily— Shows appointment and event descriptions for 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., a two-month calendar such as the Date Navigator, TaskPad, and room for you to write notes. Only a few lines from the Notes field for each appointment are visible.

    • Weekly— Shows one week per page, with the Subject field only. This format includes a two-month calendar that resembles the Date Navigator, but no Notes field and no TaskPad.

    • Monthly— Shows an entire month's events and appointments, with Subject lines truncated at approximately 50 characters. If the print range spans two or more months, Outlook prints a calendar for each month in the range.

    • Tri-Fold— Prints a three-paned view in landscape mode on 8 1/2¥11-inch paper. The left pane shows today's appointments, the middle includes the TaskPad and room for handwritten notes, and the right shows a compressed view of the week's schedule.

    • Calendar Details— If you've added detailed notes such as driving instructions or agenda items to an appointment, choose this format so your printed pages include all details, not just the description, time, and location. This style uses the full width of the page.

  4. In the Print Range area, adjust the Start and End dates, if necessary. If you're printing the paper version for someone else, such as a co-worker or assistant, check the box that lets you hide details of private appointments and show only that those times are booked.

  5. Click the Preview button to see what your page will look like when printed. Use the Page Up and Page Down keys (or the corresponding toolbar buttons) to see additional pages.

  6. Click the Page Setup button to adjust layout options, paper sizes, fonts, headers, footers, and other settings.

  7. Click Print to send the schedule to the printer.

If none of the built-in print formats is exactly right, try creating a custom format. The safest way to explore print formats is to choose File, Print, and then click the Define Styles button. Choose the format that you want to modify, and click Copy. In the Page Setup dialog box (see Figure 11.16), enter a name for your new layout, and then adjust options on the three tabs of the dialog box:

Figure 11.16. Instead of designing a new print format from scratch, modify an existing layout and give it a new name.

  • Use the Format tab to set options that are specific to the layout you started with. For example, in a Tri-fold format, you can choose which parts of the calendar go in each of the three panes. In Daily and Weekly styles, you can define the starting and ending times for the day's appointments. This tab also lets you select fonts and shading options for all views.

  • Use the Paper tab to define the dimensions, paper source, margins, and orientation for each page. Scroll through the Size list in the Page box to see a collection of layouts intended for use with Day-Timer, Day Runner, and Franklin Planner products.

  • Click the Header/Footer tab to customize the text at the top and bottom of each printed page. You can add literal text, or click any of the five buttons to add fields that insert the page number, number of pages, date printed, time printed, and username.

Tip from

If you regularly print out monthly calendars, visit Slipstick Systems ( and search for Outcal. This package includes a Word document template and instructions for producing good-looking printable calendars using Outlook data.

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