Creating a Ringtone with an Audio File Using the SaveRingtoneTask


The save ringtone task is used to launch the built-in Ringtones app, which enables the user to save an audio file to the system ringtones list and to optionally set it as the active ringtone on the device.

The ringtones list can be viewed by selecting the Ringtones + Sounds item on the phone’s system settings page.

After the audio file is added to the list, the user can set it as the ringtone for individual contacts in the Contacts application.

When the user finishes saving the contact, cancels out of the task, or an error occurs, the task’s Completed event is raised.

The SaveRingtoneTask should be defined as a field in your class, like so:

readonly SaveRingtoneTask saveRingtoneTask = new SaveRingtoneTask();

Subscribe to the SaveRingtoneTask.Completed event within your class constructor, as shown:

                    += new EventHandler<TaskEventArgs>(HandleCompleted);

The SaveRingtoneTask allows you to specify a display name for the ringtone and the URI of the audio file. The audio file can be either located in isolated storage or within an assembly. Initialization and launching of the task is shown in the following excerpt:

saveRingtoneTask.DisplayName = displayName;
saveRingtoneTask.IsShareable = shareable;
saveRingtoneTask.Source = new Uri("appdata:/AudioFiles/Audio01.wma");
//saveRingtoneTask.Source = new Uri("isostore:/AudioFiles/Audio01.wma");

The appdata segment of the Source Uri value indicates that the file is located within the app’s XAP file. In this case, the file is located in a project directory called AudioFiles.


When using the appdata prefix, the file must have its Build Action set to Content; otherwise, it will be unresolvable.

Conversely, the isostore prefix indicates that the file is located in isolated storage. Files located in isolated storage must be placed there by your app.

Ringtone audio files must meet the following requirements:

Image File must be of type MP3 or WMA.

Image Files must be less than 1MB in size.

Image Files must be less than 40 seconds in length.

Image Files must not have digital rights management (DRM) protection.

When the task’s Show method is called, the built-in Ringtone app is launched, allowing the user to edit the ringtone’s display name and to optionally set the ringtone as the active ringtone.

The sample for the SaveRingtoneTask consists of the SaveRingtoneTaskView page and SaveRingtoneTaskViewModel class. The view allows the user to enter a display name for the ringtone and to launch the SaveRingtoneTask via an application bar button. The built-in Ringtone app is shown in Figure 14.34.


FIGURE 14.34 The built-in Ringtone app.

When the task returns control to your app, the Completed event handler is called. The TaskEventArgs object allows you to determine whether the user successfully saved the ringtone, as shown in the following excerpt:

void HandleTaskCompleted(object sender, TaskEventArgs e)
    if (e.Error != null)
        MessageService.ShowError("Unable to save ringtone.");

    if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK)
        MessageService.ShowMessage("Ringtone saved.");

The save ringtone task is a great way to extend an audio app. You could have your app procure audio from third-party websites or from your own website.

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