Restoring Transient State


When an app transitions from being tombstoned or dormant back to the running state, the PhoneApplicationService.Activated event is raised. This provides an opportunity to restore the transient and persistent state of the app.


Restoring the transient state of a PhoneApplicationPage should be performed in its OnNavigatedTo method, as you see later in the chapter.

Restoring the transient state involves taking the user to the point where she was when the Deactivated event occurred, and may involve restoring the positions of UI elements, repopulating viewmodel properties, and so on. The goal is to provide the user with a seamless experience, and to emulate a multiple application environment, in which the application appears as though it was left running in the background.

The following code demonstrates handling of the PhoneApplicationService.Activated event, to restore transient and persistent state:

void Application_Activated(object sender, ActivatedEventArgs e)
    /* Restore persistent state like so: */
    someObject = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings["Key"];

    /* Restore transient state like so: */
    DataContract = PhoneApplicationService.Current.State["DataContractKey"];

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