About the Reviewers

Pierce Boggan is a student of Software Engineering at the Auburn University. He has a passion for software, entrepreneurship, and theology. In the past, Pierce has worked for Xamarin as a Customer Support Engineering Intern. He also hosts a bi-monthly podcast with Chris Hardy in which all things related to Xamarin and mobile development are discussed. You can find him blogging about software, specifically mobile development, at www.pierceboggan.com.

Betim Drenica is a professional developer with over a decade's experience and has specialized in many technologies from database to client technologies to mobiles. He considers himself as a software architect oriented in Service Oriented Applications (RESTing for a long time) paying more attention to mobile apps for all major platforms (Windows Phone, Android, and iOS) using Xamarin. Being a very community-driven person, he is the founder and leader of two user groups, Albanian SQL Server UG and Albanian .NET UG. He is a Microsoft Certified Trainer and a regular speaker at many tech conferences. He's a blogger and you can find him at www.betimdrenica.wordpress.com and usually tweets from time to time on his Twitter account @betimdrenica. He also spends a good amount of his time on LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/betim.

Tom Opgenorth is an IT professional from Alberta, Canada. His interest in computing started in 1983 when he taught himself Applesoft Basic and steadily progressed from there on. For the past 20 years, he has taken on many roles in IT, such as developer/engineer, QA, team lead, and architect. Tom settled on the .NET platform in 2002 with an interest in C#, and became a fan of Mono in 2003. He was awarded the Microsoft MVP award for C# in 2008, 2009, and 2010. In early 2008, he purchased his first smartphone, the Android Developer Phone 1, and has been hooked on mobile technologies with a focus on Android ever since.

Tom is currently working for Xamarin. He spends his days with the awesome documentation team fusing C# and Android into Xamarin documentation with the goal of helping developers create cross-platform mobile applications. His evenings are spent taking his two boys around to their activities and being dragged around by his trusting Samoyed, who never says no to a walk.

William Thomas grew up in Claremont, CA, and developed an interest in computers from a young age. He started out with Flash development, became interested in web design, and then moved on to web development. After attending Cal Poly Pomona to study Computer Science, he began working in 2011, at Flavorus; the Los Angeles-based ticketing company.

Since his graduation, at Cal Poly, William continues to work full time at Flavorus, developing applications for web and mobile devices. He has most recently developed the Flavorus Box Office app for iPhone and iPad using the Xamarin .NET framework.

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