
Book Description

Human resources and management consultants are frequently asked to help their clients address fundamental breakdowns within their organizations. More often than not, these breakdowns occur between conflicting functional areas, such as sales and customer service, sales and operations, or creative and operations management. This book explains why these breakdowns occur and details what you can do to correct them.

A motivational management tale, Transforming Teams: Tips for Improving Collaboration and Building Trust is based on the author’s real-world experience as a consultant helping companies resolve breakdowns in collaboration and trust at the workplace. Using a narrative style to illustrate problem-solving in action, the book follows the challenges faced by a company CEO and her team as they address three central precepts: that all relationships are reparable, that the use of direct language is fundamental, and that members of a team can fix only one thing, themselves.

As the story unfolds, readers follow along and learn the three communication minefields that can derail and disrupt effective teamwork: breaking promises, avoiding conflict, and not holding each other accountable. Readers gain important insights as the characters end up improving their collaboration by recognizing the interrelated components of trust and understanding their own behavioral style and the styles of others.

Although there’s no silver bullet for solving team conflict, there are a number of proven tools and strategies that can help teams improve collaboration and productivity. This book presents these tools in a manner that any front-line manager can immediately deploy to help team members identify challenges objectively and take responsibility for improving the team dynamic.

Table of Contents

  1. Front Cover (1/2)
  2. Front Cover (2/2)
  3. Contents
  4. Preface
  5. Introduction
  6. Chapter 1: Eliza’s Bad Monday at HDS Tech (1/2)
  7. Chapter 1: Eliza’s Bad Monday at HDS Tech (2/2)
  8. Chapter 2: Golden Nuggets (1/2)
  9. Chapter 2: Golden Nuggets (2/2)
  10. Chapter 3: Bedtime with Badger and Coyote (1/3)
  11. Chapter 3: Bedtime with Badger and Coyote (2/3)
  12. Chapter 3: Bedtime with Badger and Coyote (3/3)
  13. Chapter 4: Quiet Kirby (1/2)
  14. Chapter 4: Quiet Kirby (2/2)
  15. Chapter 5: The Stories We Tell (1/2)
  16. Chapter 5: The Stories We Tell (2/2)
  17. Chapter 6: Dear Old School Days (1/2)
  18. Chapter 6: Dear Old School Days (2/2)
  19. Chapter 7: The Communication Preferences of Homo sapiens (1/3)
  20. Chapter 7: The Communication Preferences of Homo sapiens (2/3)
  21. Chapter 7: The Communication Preferences of Homo sapiens (3/3)
  22. Chapter 8: The Language of DISC (1/3)
  23. Chapter 8: The Language of DISC (2/3)
  24. Chapter 8: The Language of DISC (3/3)
  25. Chapter 9: Sales vs. Customer Service (1/2)
  26. Chapter 9: Sales vs. Customer Service (2/2)
  27. Chapter 10: The Only One You Can Change Is You (1/2)
  28. Chapter 10: The Only One You Can Change Is You (2/2)
  29. Chapter 11: Dave’s Critical Conversations (1/2)
  30. Chapter 11: Dave’s Critical Conversations (2/2)
  31. Chapter 12: Feedback for Claire (1/2)
  32. Chapter 12: Feedback for Claire (2/2)
  33. Chapter 13: Lunch with Karen (1/2)
  34. Chapter 13: Lunch with Karen (2/2)
  35. Chapter 14: It’s All about Trust (1/3)
  36. Chapter 14: It’s All about Trust (2/3)
  37. Chapter 14: It’s All about Trust (3/3)
  38. Chapter 15: Making Promises (1/2)
  39. Chapter 15: Making Promises (2/2)
  40. Chapter 16: Managing Promises (1/3)
  41. Chapter 16: Managing Promises (2/3)
  42. Chapter 16: Managing Promises (3/3)
  43. Chapter 17: Unpacking Baggage and Restoring Trust (1/3)
  44. Chapter 17: Unpacking Baggage and Restoring Trust (2/3)
  45. Chapter 17: Unpacking Baggage and Restoring Trust (3/3)
  46. Chapter 18: Actions vs. Intentions (1/2)
  47. Chapter 18: Actions vs. Intentions (2/2)
  48. Chapter 19: Components of Collaboration (1/3)
  49. Chapter 19: Components of Collaboration (2/3)
  50. Chapter 19: Components of Collaboration (3/3)
  51. Chapter 20: What Eliza Knows—Resources for Managers : Components of Collaboration (1/4)
  52. Chapter 20: What Eliza Knows—Resources for Managers : Components of Collaboration (2/4)
  53. Chapter 20: What Eliza Knows—Resources for Managers : Components of Collaboration (3/4)
  54. Chapter 20: What Eliza Knows—Resources for Managers : Components of Collaboration (4/4)
  55. Author’s Note
  56. Acknowledgments
  57. Resources for Managers from Affinity HR Group, LLC
  58. About the Author
  59. Back Cover