Author’s Note
The story you are about to see is true; the
names have been changed to protect the
What you have just read are the ctionalized accounts
of real-life client experiences from my company,
Afnity HR Group. Each and every story, interaction,
and conversation has actually taken place in some form
or format with one or more of our clients.
The tale of the badger and the coyote is also true.
So is the story about Eliza improving her Emotional
Intelligence by breathing deeply and visualizing a pic-
ture of her children. More often than not, sales teams
have a behavioral style that is completely the opposite
of that of customer service teams—and this typically
leads to ongoing conict. By working with behavioral
style and by having each team list the positive attri-
butes of the other team, our clients have been able to
210 Author’s Note
dramatically improve the collaboration between the
two functional areas.
Similarly, most of our clients are making promises
and are not realizing it. Once they become aware of
the language of making and managing promises, they
are able to vastly improve accountability and trust.
Many clients have taken the work we have done
and have implemented their own form of corporate
college so that the distinctions that they work so hard
to develop are put on record for easy access by future
hires and other teams.
Finally, while I have no examples of child adoptions
that occurred as a result of our workalas, there are
no children named after me—we know from the feed-
back we get that many of our clients bring the lessons
discussed in this book to their spouses and others in
their families. All of the tools and lessons presented
here are both effective and appropriate for use in ones
personal life.
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