for Managers
from Afnity HR
Group, LLC
Afnity HR Group, LLC, is a human resources and
management consulting rm dedicated to helping man-
agers and business owners navigate the thorny “people
issues” that plague most organizations. Visit our website
at www.afnityHRgroup.com to learn more about our
services, or call Afnity HR Group at 1-877-660-6400.
Workshops and Training
Claudia St. John and her Afnity HR Group execu-
tive consultants can be retained to help transform
your team through individualized coaching, leadership
214 Resources for Managers from Afnity HR Group, LLC
development, and workshop facilitation. Our consult-
ing services include organizational development and
training, human resources compliance, recruitment and
selection, compensation, and performance manage-
ment, and ad hoc support.
Speaking and Keynote
The author of this book, Claudia St. John, is available to
speak at your organization or event on any number of
topics, including transforming teams, the components
of collaboration, common management mistakes, how
to hire top sales professionals, managing the millennial
workforce, and other people-management topics. To
discuss scheduling and fees, contact her at Afnity HR
Group, 1-877-660-6400.
Afnity HR Group can arrange for you to take an indi-
vidual or team online assessment to identify strengths,
gaps, and ways to improve collaboration and teamwork.
Services include a comprehensive behavioral assess-
ment with one-on-one or group coaching debrief.
Online DISC Assessments
Online Motivators Assessments
Online Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessments
Resources for Managers from Afnity HR Group, LLC 215
Online Sales Strategy Index
Online Soft Skills Inventory (DNA)
Afliated Business Partners
Target Training International, Ltd.
Transformation Systems, Ltd.
Additional Reading
Bonnstetter, Bill J., and Judy I. Suiter. The Universal
Language of DISC: Reference Manual. Scottsdale, AZ:
Target Training International, Ltd., 2013.
Covey, Stephen M.R., and Rebecca R. Merrill. The Speed of
Trust: The One Thing That Changes Everything. New
York: Free Press, 2006.
Feltman, Charles. The Thin Book of Trust: An Essential
Primer for Building Trust at Work. Bend, OR: Thin
Book Publishing Co., 2009.
Hiscock, Bruce. Coyote and Badger: Desert Hunters of the
Southwest. New York: Porter Corners Press, 2001.
Marston, William M. The Emotions of Normal People.
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1928.
Patterson, Kerry, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al
Switzler. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking
When Stakes Are High. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw
Hill, 2012.
Richards, William L. Tell Me How I’m Doing: A Fable
about the Importance of Giving Feedback. New York:
AMACOM, 2005.
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