Marie Antoinette is credited with saying, “Nothing is
new except what has been forgotten.” She was right.
Much of what is presented in this book I have learned
over the years from my mentors, friends, clients, col-
leagues, and family. What they have taught me has
personally and professionally sustained me and has
enabled me to write this book. Without them, I would
have nothing to say.
First and foremost, I am grateful for my team of
extraordinary consultants at Afnity HR Group, LLC,
for all of the talent, support, and friendship. They have
shown me that dreams really can come true.
My sincere thanks go to my publisher, Kristine
Mednansky, with CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group,
who gently guided me through this process and who
convinced me that this book was worth writing and
reading. And also to Chris Dinsmore and Joan Cox,
who made the badger and coyote come alive with their
illustrations, graphic design, and other creative inputs,
212 Acknowledgments
and to Bruce Hiscock, whose childrens story started
me on this journey years ago.
Thank you, as well, to Teresa Arpin and my colleagues
at Transformation Systems, LLC, who taught me about the
language of trust and making and managing promises,
much of what I practice and preach daily. And thanks
to everyone at Target Training International (TTI) for
introducing me to the distinctions of DISC and emotional
intelligence—two tools that I would be lost without.
Finally, I would have accomplished very little in life
without the love and support of my husband, David,
whose staggering journalistic and writing talent enabled
me to walk out on this tightrope knowing his skills
would catch me if I fell. His encouragement, humor,
and dedication have made it possible for me not only
to accomplish this undertaking, but also to have a most
blessed life.
And to our boys Charles and Henry, who keep me
laughing, who keep me busy, and who introduced me
to the wonders of badgers and the importance of emo-
tional intelligence.
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