Unpacking Baggage and Restoring Trust 169
“No, it’s ne. I can see how you would assume that.
And that said, Claire, you’re right. I did screw up the
spec sheet. So I own at least 50 percent of the mistake.
But I haven’t made a mistake like that again. Can’t you
see that I learned from that episode and have been
much more thorough ever since?” Dave asked.
“Yes, I can see that we havent had any more errors
like that, but I don’t know whether that’s because of
your thoroughness or mine. Because of that experi-
ence, we make it a practice of scrubbing all the spec
sheets multiple times to make sure they’re accurate,
said Claire.
She continued, “I guess you can say the high
Supporter and Controller in me responded with some
new procedures that require meticulous checking of all
of the spec sheets before Kirby gets them.
“Since we’re on that subject,” said Dave, “there is an
issue of distrust that I would like to unpack as well.
Because of the length of time it takes you to double-
check my work and approve the spec sheets, we have
missed four delivery dates in just the past six months.
We’re breaking our promises to our customers because
of the delays. And I think we still have some related
issues with the ‘near train wreck’ on the Cynsis mod-
ules, when you presumed I was wrong before even
checking with me. That one still burns,” said Dave,
whose emotions were beginning to get away from him.
Eliza put her hand on Dave’s arm and said, “I know
this is making you mad, but we need to unpack this
stuff so that we can move on.
170 Transforming Teams
Turning to Claire, she asked, “Claire, can you clarify
for Dave your understanding of what he has said? What
did you hear when you were listening to him?
“I heard that my actions, as a result of my distrust
of Dave, have resulted in HDS breaking promises to
customers and in me blaming, perhaps unfairly—no,
denitely unfairly—many of our manufacturing mis-
takes on Dave,” said Claire.
She continued. “I never realized how intertwined
this was and how much of a role I had in these issues.
I owe you an apology, Dave.
“No, Claire, you don’t. Or, if you do, I owe you one
too because I have let my frustrations run unchecked
for years, and I could have tried to x this a long time
ago. I own that as well.
Eliza sensed they were making progress. It was clear
that if they put their minds to it, listened, and kept their
emotions in check, they were able to reach some pretty
terric communication levels.
She stood and put a check mark next to
So far, so good. But they werent done. Not yet.
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