Bedtime with Badger and Coyote 31
Without you, our whole enterprise would go down
the tubes.
And Kirby, you just keep your head down, go about
your business, and get the job done. Fortunately, we
don’t eat people who do that around here; we reward
them with bonuses and stock options.
“Honestly, I’m proud that you comprise our execu-
tive management team, and the board constantly rec-
ognizes all that you do and all your contributions. The
leadership skills that each of you brings to the table
are tremendous.
“But for some reason, you guys won’t stop focusing
on your differences, as if those differences were a bad
thing. What you all fail to see is that your differences
are also what can make you an awesome team. I only
wish you could just stop ghting long enough to see
the value in each other,” she continued.
“Your lack of trust and cooperation is beginning
to hurt morale across the company, and you are put-
ting at risk our potential for future success. Seriously.
We nearly lost a huge client this week. We can’t afford
to let anything like that happen again. We have got to
break down these barriers and start building the foun-
dation for better collaboration.
Okay, that sounds good in theory, but do you think
we can really do that after so much has happened?”
asked Claire.
“Well, it’s going to take a lot of work from each
and every one of you. Each of you is going to have
to start doing some things and stop doing some other
things. And as of today, here’s what I want you to
32 Transforming Teams
stop doing: if you don’t want to nd yourself under
a bus, don’t ever throw anyone else under one. Call
it the golden rule of public transportation. The next
time the opportunity presents itself to question the
actions, motivation, or competence of one of your
peers, or subordinates, or superiors, you take owner-
ship of the situation and bring it back to your peer.
Don’t ever, ever voice your discontent with or dis-
trust of a peer outside this company. Understood?”
Eliza asked.
Got it,” said Dave.
“Understood,” said Claire.
Kirby nodded in agreement.
Change starts today, and it starts with you,” said
Eliza with conviction.
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