ISBN: 978-1-4987-2147-9
9 781498 721479
Business Management / Human Resources & Training
“Thanks to this simple yet powerful book, everyone from our senior managers
to our entry-level billers now have a solid understanding of how to build
trust, how to interpret behavioral style, and what it all means to be a more
productive and effective operation. ... I recommend this book to all managers
who are looking for ways to invigorate teamwork and collaboration.
—David Barletta, CEO, Practice Resources LLC
... a go-to resource for anyone who manages people. It is a breeze to read
and the tools it offers to improve collaboration and trust are applicable to any
workplace. A must-read for rst-time and experienced managers alike.
Anne Renaud, VP of Human Resources, Fulton Industries, LLC
“Claudia St. John has built a framework and process that anyone can use to
develop leaders and improve teamwork.
—Bill Bonnestetter, Chairman, Target Training International, Ltd. and Co-
Author of The Universal Language of DISC
“The concepts presented are easy to understand and the results are dramatic,
powerful, and lasting. This should be the next book you read.
Thomas Kujawski, Owner of M7 Business Systems
“St. John provides a wealth of ideas and examples that managers and leaders
can run with right out of the box.
—Eric Herrenkohl, Author of How to Hire A-Players
“This book presents powerful concepts in an easy-to-digest format so that
truly anyone can improve their working relationships and management skills.
—Rob Whitman, President & CEO, Innovative Print & Media Group, Inc.
Although there’s no silver bullet for solving team conict, there are a number
of proven tools and strategies that can help teams improve collaboration and
productivity. Using a narrative style to illustrate problem-solving in action,
Transforming Teams: Tips for Improving Collaboration and Building
Trust presents these tools in a manner that any front-line manager can
immediately deploy to help team members identify challenges objectively
and take responsibility for improving the team dynamic.
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an informa business
Tips for Improving
Collaboration and Building Trust
Claudia St. John, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
St. John
K25588 cvr mech.indd 1 8/10/15 4:04 PM
This book is denitely a go-to resource for anyone
who manages people. It is a breeze to read and the
tools it offers to improve collaboration and trust are
applicable to any workplace. A must-read for rst-time
and experienced managers alike.
—Anne Renaud, VP for Human Resources
Fulton Industries, LLC
We have implemented the concepts presented in this
book and it has truly transformed our organization.
Thanks to this simple yet powerful book, everyone
from our senior managers to our entry-level billers
now has a solid understanding of how to build trust,
interpret behavioral style and what it all means to be
a more productive and effective operation. Having
seen the results, I recommend it to all managers who
are looking for ways to invigorate teamwork and
—David Barletta, CEO
Practice Resources LLC
Claudia St. John has taken the fundamentals of the
Universal Language of DISC and built a framework
and process that anyone can use to develop leaders
and improve teamwork. I recommend it to anyone
who is on the front line of trying to improve perfor-
mance and productivity.
—Bill Bonnestetter, Author,
The Universal Language DISC
Chairman, Target Training International, Ltd.
I can attest to the fact that the tools Claudia St. John
presents in this breezy, accessible book truly can
‘transform their teams.’ They worked for us. The
concepts she presents are easy to understand and the
results are dramatic, powerful and lasting. This should
be the next book you read.
Thomas Kujawski, Owner
M7 Business Systems
This is a smart book telling an important story that
can help any business executive who is looking to
take his or her organization to the next level. Success
is not just about having great people—it’s about hav-
ing great people working together in a collaborative,
trusting team. St. John provides a wealth of ideas and
examples that managers and leaders can run with right
out of the box.
—Eric Herrekohl, Author
How to Hire A-Players
This book presents powerful concepts in an easy-to-
digest format so that truly anyone can improve their
working relationships and management skills. This is a
must-read for all of our managers and leaders.
—Rob Whitman,President &CEO
Innovative Print& Media Group, Inc.
Tips for Improving
Collaboration and Building Trust
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