The Communication Preferences of Homo sapiens 65
“Yes. I have absolutely no idea how to be more like
Dave. Im willing to change to be more like him when I
have to, but how do I do that?
“Well, we’ll give you some more tools in a moment.
But the easiest way to do that is to start by simply
mimicking his body language. Have you ever played
Simon Says?
“Yes,” said Keisha tentatively.
“Well, start with that. If hes leaning forward, you
lean forward. If his legs are crossed and he’s leaning
back, you do the same. If you can start by being in
sync with your body, youll be 55 percent closer in your
body language and your communication. When all else
fails, just mimic what they’re doing with their body,
tone of voice, and language.
Charles waited a moment to let that sink in and then
said, “Okay, let’s take a break and when we come back,
we’ll do a deep dive into DISC.
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