142 Transforming Teams
of the components of the promise. Then she led the
team through the exercise of managing promises.
Once you have a promise in hand, some-
times . . . occasionally . . . from time to time, you may
nd yourself in need of having to manage those prom-
ises. And here are the options:
You can keep your promises. Obviously, this is
always the preferred option.
You can revise your promise. In this case, you
would revisit the original promise and request the
changes you would like to make in order to estab-
lish a new promise.
You can revoke the promise. If necessary, you may
need to revisit the original promise and notify the
other party that you are unable to fulll the prom-
ise. If you are the provider and have to do this, it’s
always best to help identify a new provider or a new
offer so that the consumer isnt left high and dry.
Karen added one more element. “Finally, you can
break your promise. In this case, you’ve probably dam-
aged trust. Let’s be sure not to do this, okay?
Dave smiled broadly, raised his hand and, after being
acknowledged by Karen, turned to Eliza and said, “So,
the coyote keeps his promise when he works with the
badger. He revises his promise when he wanders off and
comes back. He revokes his promise when he wanders
off and doesn’t come back. And he breaks his promise
when he eats the badger. Did I get that right?
Eliza smiled and said, “I guess that’s about right.
Making Promises 143
Karen, with a puzzled look on her face, said, “I
guess that’s an inside joke.
Okay then. No badgers will be harmed in the lm-
ing of this movie,” said Dave, smiling at Claire.
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